American Elephants

Thirty-two Blacks are Running for Congress This Year, And They’re All Republicans! by The Elephant's Child

Barack Obama’s election to the presidency has had unexpected consequences.
At least 32 African-Americans are running for Congress this year — as Republicans.  The biggest surge since Reconstruction.  The House has not had a black Republican since 2003, when J.C. Watts of Oklahoma left  after eight years.

Black Republicans are running with a confidence that they haven’t had before.  They cite two factors:  dissatisfaction with the Obama administration, and the proof provided by Mr. Obama himself, that blacks can get elected.  They realized that what once seemed impossible — for a black candidate to win election with substantial  white support — was not.  And the candidates have strong records of accomplishment behind them.  They are serious, qualified candidates.

To the horror of Liberal politicians and pundits, many of the black Republicans are seeking support from the Tea Party movement.  The Liberals have tried so hard to stick the “racist” and violent label on the Tea Parties that at President Obama’s recent speech the SWAT team was called out to protect the President and his hangers-on from the potential violence of a large group of smiling grannies.  It just doesn’t work.  It’s Liberals who see everything through the lens of race.

For example the New York Times article linked here had this line:

Still, black Republicans face a double hurdle: black Democrats who are disinclined to back them in a general election, and incongruity with white Republicans, who sometimes do not welcome the blacks whom party officials claim to covet as new members.

Yes, many black Republicans do face criticism and name-calling from black Democrats, simply because they belong to a different party.   The “incongruity with white Republicans” lies only in the bigoted view of a leftist media.

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