American Elephants

The Food Police (San Francisco Chapter) Strike Again: by The Elephant's Child

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors, always good for a laugh, has voted 8-3 to approve an ordinance that would limit toy giveaways in fast food children’s meals that have excessive calories, sodium or fat.  It also requires servings of fruits or vegetables with each meal.  (Sorry, kids — more carrot sticks!)

Supervisor Eric Mar, who proposed the law, said:

From San Francisco to New York, the epidemic of childhood obesity in this country is making people sick, making our kids sick, particularly kids from low-income neighborhoods.

We don’t actually know if there is an epidemic of childhood obesity, or if it is just another fad.  Apparently the diagnosis depends on body mass index (BMI) measurements which were not designed to determine health or proper weight.

Eric Mar also said:

We’re  part of a movement that is moving forward an agenda of food justice.

I cannot believe that anyone could open their mouth and make such a preposterous statement.  It is said that Mayor Gavin Newsom is expected to veto the measure, but it may survive the veto.  And how far would a resident of San Francisco have to travel  to find a McDonald’s unaffected by silly bans?

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Using BMI to calculate almost anything is purely in the realm of stupid. A perfectly fit, muscular guy will almost always have a BMI outside the supposed ‘healthy’ standards. As for kids having a BMI out of bounds, half of those kids actually grow out of it once they start growing upwards. And maybe, instead of making stupid laws, maybe we ought to go back to the days when parents said no to their kids once in awhile…lord knows I’ve spent years trying to make up for my deficiency in McDonald’s food intake that my parents stifled repeatedly throughout my years as a kid.


Comment by Mike Lovell

Just like our knee jerk reaction to
a group of students over drinking at
a party , our state bans four loko and
no better ad campaign could have been produced.

Our state can’t balance a budget but they
jumped on this and made this crappy drink
a household word.

When I was young it was a big deal for people
to go to Idaho and get a bunch of Coors beer
because it was not sold here.

Same with Everclear


Comment by ronspins81

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