American Elephants

The Documentary the Liberal Establishment Doesn’t Want You to See by American Elephant

Indoctrinate U

Despite getting hundreds of thousands of requests for screenings (far more people than have viewed the major motion picture, Redacted, for example), the documentary, Indoctrinate U, can’t seem to find a distributor.

This is a film that Americans need to see.

Universities are supposed to be institutions of higher learning — where differing views compete in the marketplace of ideas. Such is not the case.

There is no marketplace of ideas, as a gentleman says in the film, there is a monopoly. The extent of which is frightening and is the antithesis of everything higher education is supposed to be. What is happening on college campuses is indoctrination and its detrimental to the health of society.

Watch the trailer, and if you agree the subject is an important one, then visit the film’s website and voice your interest in seeing the film.

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I always sign congratulation cards for graduations as “BE A FREE THINKER! Don’t let the professors teach you what to think but how to think!. I sign this way in hopes that the young one will eventually put the 2 & 2 together, even if it is later in his/her life.


Comment by edintampa

Yeah, I want to see it too. Hope it comes to the seattle area. the website updates with info about new showings etc. so be sure to tell them youre interested, then check their site for updates.

The ones that figure out school is supposed to teach you how to think not what to think have a name…theyre called “conservatives”. The rest are lost to indoctrination. ;^)


Comment by American Elephant

This an extremely important subject. I not only watched the trailer, but I have seen interviews of the director. He is right on the money, as far as I can tell from my own experiences in college and graduate school and from the stories that other students tell.

I was often ridiculed in college for my views and my personal beliefs. Worse than that, my contributions to discussions in class were often simply dismissed as irrelevant. I felt pretty sure that one professor gave me a lower grade on a paper because of my views, although I can’t substantiatte that in any way.


Comment by renaissanceguy

You might both be interested in the organization, “Students For Academic Freedom”. They are attempting to intorduce an “Academic Bill Of Rights,” and a, “Students Bill of Rights” at colleges and universities all across the country as well as working to get legislatures to guarantee balance in education by law.


Comment by American Elephant

[…] is indoctrination, pure & simple (The Documentary the Liberal Establishment Doesn’t Want You to See « American Elephants)   Attached Images   __________________ say IT LOUD! I am neo-con and […]


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