American Elephants

Study: Government Run Healthcare Denies Twice as Many Claims as Private Market by American Elephant

Once again, the truth is exactly the opposite of what Democrats claim. For months they have been telling us that we need government run care to protect people from big, bad insurance companies denying their claims.

The problem is that medicare denies nearly twice as many claims as the private market:

According to the American Medical Association’s National Health Insurer Report Card for 2008, the government’s health plan, Medicare, denied medical claims at nearly double the average for private insurers: Medicare denied 6.85% of claims. The highest private insurance denier was Aetna @ 6.8%, followed by Anthem Blue Cross @ 3.44, with an average denial rate of medical claims by private insurers of 3.88%

In its 2009 National Health Insurer Report Card, the AMA reports that Medicare denied only 4% of claims—a big improvement, but outpaced better still by the private insurers. The prior year’s high private denier, Aetna, reduced denials to 1.81%—an astounding 75% improvement—with similar declines by all other private insurers, to average only 2.79%.

Maybe there’s something to be said for the need to keep your customers satisfied in order to make that profit after all.

(h/t Say Anything via Hot Air)

3 Comments so far
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If government alwasys does such a lousy job at running things…then why did we send American government troops to invade Iraq, try to set up a democracy, rebuild their roads, schools and bridges. train their security forces, equip their Army, provide US grants to their small businesses.
Seems like if our government can’t even run a health care system it has no business trying to tell another country how to live.


Comment by Norris Hall

No, not right. You see the Constitution specifically names only one service the federal government must provide, and that is national defense. Not health care, not schools, not even roads and bridges. National defense.

And yes, when you kick someones ass in war, you get to tell them what to do. That’s rather the point of going to war — to force your enemies to change their behavior.

And by the way, our government CAN’T run health care, Medicare and Medicaid are already bankrupt. And as the study we linked to confirms, and you utterly ignored in knee-jerk fashion, Government run care denies twice as many claims as private care. Democrats are just making things worse.


Comment by American Elephant

Well technically the federal government is established to conduct two services, defense being one, and trade being the other (both foreign and interstate commerce)

As for “If government alwasys does such a lousy job at running things…then why did we send American government troops to invade Iraq, try to set up a democracy, rebuild their roads, schools and bridges. train their security forces, equip their Army, provide US grants to their small businesses.”

A- the government (as in bureaucrats has nothing to do with the training of the military machine) merely policy. The training, and fighting effectiveness is carried out by soldiers, as men, not agents of government. Before joining the army at age 17, I was already well versed in combat, physical endurance fitness, and survival techniques without aid of any government. I helped train fellow new soldiers in their skills, to be an effective fighting force unto themselves.
B- trying is the key word when it comes to setting up a democracy….the judges are still out on government’s success here.
C- infrastructure rebuilding- private contractors, not government
D- providing US Grants to small businesses??? this isn’t even a skill. all it takes is getting elected or appointed to the position where you get to sign or stamp your name on a form saying okay. We could actually save money and hand these stampers to school kids for a lot less pay and be just as effective in this arena.


Comment by Mike Lovell

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