American Elephants

Tax Day, 2013 by The Elephant's Child
April 15, 2013, 9:41 pm
Filed under: Capitalism, Economy, Freedom, Taxes | Tags: , ,

Hmmmph. Have you ever finished your tax return, scanned the whole thing before putting it in the envelope and noticed OMG! I left off a major number. The one, of course that requires re-doing all the forms, because it makes all the numbers wrong.  That was my day.

I always put off mailing it in until the last minute, unwilling to allow the government more time than necessary to play with my return, so it’s probably only what I deserve.  I hope your day was better than mine.

There is really no use in the tax forms being so complicated. Give me a flat tax please, to send in on a postcard. And a much smaller government that doesn’t need so much support from beleaguered citizens.


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I would feel bad for you, but I used to work as a tax Instruction Complicator for the IRS.

I also filed a month and a half ago.


Comment by Lon Mead

I wasn’t asking for sympathy, all my own fault. I shouldn’t be so stubborn about waiting till the last minute, but thanks for the kind thoughts . Somebody is certainly working hard at complicating the instructions.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

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