American Elephants

Windows 10 by The Elephant's Child
August 19, 2015, 6:12 am
Filed under: Blogging

Sorry about the missing blogging. Downloading Windows 10 did not go smoothly. Our anti-virus program did not like the download, but it took a lot of time to figure out what was going on. Then there’s more that’s different than I expected, and will take some getting used to.

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My brother (who works for another large computer company) is convinced Windows 10 was designed by this guy:


Comment by Lon Mead

Your brother may be entirely right. So far, we’re getting along all right, but I’ve had to disable quite a few minor annoyances. There’s a trail through a bamboo forest as one of the rotating alternative screensavers that is such a potent chartreuse, a color I only tolerate in real limes, that I have to ‘change to next background instantly.’ Obviously a minor dissent. But there’s a lot of stuff that is can be rearranged or adapted to my own taste. I just haven’t figured out what and how. The assumptions that they make about what I would like don’t seem to be spot on.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

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