American Elephants

Dick Cheney Speaks on the Iran Nuclear Deal by The Elephant's Child

Former Vice President Dick Cheney spoke at an event at AEI on September 8, a passionate speech about the nuclear deal with Iran and why it is a complete catastrophe. It’s a long speech, but worth every minute. Mr. Cheney explains clearly why it is such a very, very bad deal.

As for me, I was convinced that we were doomed when I learned that President Obama believes that Iran would never actually use a nuclear weapon. If he actually believes that, no wonder he has been such a complete doormat.

He believes that he can turn the problems of the Middle East over to Iran to solve, and get America out of the region entirely. Iran’s quest for intercontinental ballistic missiles does not concern Mr. Obama who envisions himself making a triumphant trip to Tehran to shake the Supreme Leader’s hand.

The Supreme Leader may not be able to bring himself to sign the deal at all, since he hates Americans so much.  Shake hands?  Not a chance.

The speech is about 35 minute long, followed by a question and answer period.

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