American Elephants

The Feminist War on Gender Is Creating Massive Problems. by The Elephant's Child

I vaguely remember reading a book long ago by a newly enlightened feminist on her conversion to feminist activism. She had grown up in a family where her father was most definitely the head of the household, the man in the family, who got the Sunday paper first, was served first at the dinner table, and looking back she was troubled by the injustice of it all. Well, poor baby.

N.O.W., the National Organization for Women, was born back in the Sixties, 1966 to be exact, when everyone was protesting about something or other, mostly about their fear of being drafted. Their focus has consistently been on gender equality, and that’s where we lose interest.  Women appreciate the wider range of occupations open to them, but recognize that there are many jobs for which they are just not well-suited. Most women appreciate the difference between the sexes and wouldn’t want it any other way.

N.O.W., AAUW and the National Committee on Pay Equity marshal their forces every April to promote the annual feminist holiday known as Equal Pay Day. Hillary tried to make a big deal of it in a speech yesterday, adding the race card.  It is a verifiable falsehood, says economist Mark Perry at AEI:

based on the false assumption that women are paid 23% less for doing exactly the same work in the exact same occupations and careers, working side-by-side with men on the same job for the same organization, working the same number of hours per week, traveling the same amount of time for work obligations, with the same exact work experience and education, with exactly the same level of productivity.

Equal Pay has been the law since 1966, but the feminists soldier on, trying to open all military combat roles to women. The Marines justifiably object. Former Attorney General Eric Holder invented rights for the transgendered — to protect cross-dressing and transsexualism under federal civil rights laws.

But the feminist drive to eliminate gender is really getting into the weeds with combat roles, and gender dysphoria. They are doing great damage to the gullible. The American College of Pediatricians felt it necessary to come out with a statement that “Gender Ideology Harms Children.” Parents are under pressure to “help their children to transition,” as a grateful woman who had parents with patience wrote in January in the Wall Street Journal: “The Transgender Battle Line: Childhood.” A former transgender wrote yesterday in The Federalist about his alarm at the attempt to redefine gender norms.

So of course the White House had to jump into the controversy with a big promotion on “Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes in Media and Toys so that Our Children Can Explore, Learn, and Dream Without Limit“— urging toymakers, children’s magazines, and organizations like Girl Scouts and Netflix to “raise awareness about gender stereotypes,” once again increasing the focus on something better left alone.

“We’re hosting the conference because we know that the TV, movies, and videos that kids watch, and the toys with which they play, can have a real impact on the skills they develop and their aspirations,” White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said in a post on the White House blog. “This impact goes beyond child development. This affects the quality of our workforce, and has the potential to affect our economy for decades to come.”

There are all kinds of dysphorias, from anorexia, which has killed some of its victims, to bodily dysphorias which has led its sufferers to cut off limbs, or in the case of one man to change his face to that of a cat with surgery, tattoos and piercings. It is a psychological problem and treatment is at best uncertain. Many, after some time, recover. For those who have had surgery to complete their transformation it is much more difficult if they lose the urge to be the opposite sex. North Carolina has passed a law requiring people to use the bathroom according to the sex they were born with.

Faux outrage, as everybody wants to demonstrate how opposed to ‘discrimination’ they are. Women have had to put up with male predators  invading their bathrooms, and see only danger in liberal insistence on changing tradition and good sense.

This is all an outgrowth of the feminist war on gender. There are two genders, male and female. Live with it.

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Did you ever notice that when a transgender want to be a female they dress very girly and feminine I guess because they really want to be a girl. Only thing is that most girls and women don’t dress that way. For example, My wife and I usually dress the same. Shirt, jeans, tennis shoes. the only difference is our underwear. There is nothing inherently female about a dress. That’s a western social expectation. There are millions of men world wide that wear robes and skirts and all manner of clothing. many cultures have often gone mostly naked. the type of cloths we wear is really a social custom and not anything person is BORN with. I think this whole transgender thing is really a psychological issue and should be treated as such.
Here is the other problem with a trans person using the restroom facilities of their “self identified gender”. I one person can use whatever restroom they please why shouldn’t everyone get to do that? that’s not equal treatment. Why is a straight person treated different?

The most disturbing case I saw was when the Dept of Education required that a high school in Ill allow a transgendered boy to use the girls locker room. Somehow the Fed gov thinks they should have the power to tell my teenage granddaughter who she needs to be naked in front of.
How the hell did we get to this point?


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