American Elephants

New Words Devised Especially for The Presidential Campaign by The Elephant's Child

What a strange, strange time we are living in. The important words to describe it are new combinations of old words. “Social justice.”not just justice dealt out under the law, but social justice. What does that mean? Something like everybody is to be nice? The words are ubiquitous, you hear them everywhere, but the meaning is pretty flimsy.  Then there’s cosmic justice—applying to everybody, everywhere? Virtue signaling is a little clearer— see what a good person I am? I can’t wait for society’s verdict, you need to see how good I am immediately. The one that really bothers me is hate speech which is rapidly becoming any speech that you do not like. This is not speech that urges you to hate someone else, but again, any speech that you do not like, particularly that emanating from the other political party, or criticizing you or what you believe in.  Foul language is fine. Vulgarity is Acceptable, But do Not Disagree. If you know all the important words and their definitions, you are woke, or with the contemporary use of language. It’s easy.

Since the Mueller affair didn’t work to dispose of President Trump, the Democrats are hard at work trying to move the emotions of the voters largely by calling names. “Racist” is the most important, every one of the dozens of people on the Democrat debate stage has insisted that Donald Trump is a racist, with not a shred of evidence. Trying to suggest that the reason we are trying to keep illegal aliens out of the country is because of their race rather than the simple fact that we have laws that tell just how you may apply to enter our country legally and how to do it. They have dragged out pictures of Obama’s chain link fenced-off areas for detaining illegals, especially if there are children involved. Children in cages, especially frightened children in cages or crying children in cages has such an emotional effect that AOC made a fool of herself getting pictures taken of herself standing, weeping, in front of a chain link fence that supposedly held the aforesaid weeping children, except that other shots showed it to be a parking lot on the other side of the fence. Virtue signaling.

There are some suggestions that many American blacks are recognizing the president’s accomplishments in creating jobs. Black unemployment is the lowest it has ever been, and even the kids are finding it easy to get a job. Do you suppose that Democrats are so intent on keeping every single black vote that they would be insisting every time they speak to emphasize what a racist the President is? Are they that crass? Of course they are. The New York Times has a series going to explain to all those who managed not to learn any American history is school, that the United States of America was based on slavery, founded on slavery, and grew wealthy and prospered because of slavery. Useful if you are trying to blame the slave trade on Donald Trump, but dependent on the ignorance nurtured by our public schools.

Slavery was common in the world at the time of our nation’s founding. The native American Indians kept slaves of other tribes they had defeated or captured in wars. The Kwakiutls of the northwest coast made regular trips south to the coast of present day Washington and Oregon to capture slaves in their big war canoes. Arab ships prowled the coasts of Europe and England to capture white women (preferably blondes) for concubines for their harems. The Moslem traders who captured African natives for the slave trade, drove long columns of slaves north to the Mediterranean, and to the ports on the Atlantic coast where the slave ships came.

The majority of African slaves in the transatlantic trade went to the sugar islands and to South America, not the United States. It was exceedingly common for people in the British Isles and Europe who didn’t have the necessary funds to come to America as indentured servants, who had to work a defined number of years to earn their freedom, though usually at more pleasant work than African slaves had on southern plantations. Farm work was very labor intensive. Tractors were a distant future invention, but there were plows to be pulled by horses.  My point is only that the history of slavery is far more complicated than the New York Times cares to admit, and still exists in some parts of the world. When you are trying to blame the president and his party for the entire slave trade, and for rampant white supremacy, you get pretty far off into the weeds.

Democrats are moving their attacks to the imminent recession to be caused by Trump, of course. Any day now the market will tank and it will all be Trump’s fault. Scaring the public into a market downturn will, they hope, cause a bad recession. Trying to damage the public in order to defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election is a new low, and one of their sleaziest ones. Trump’s tax cuts, they are sure, went only to his richest friends and to the biggest corporations. Economics is not one of their strong points. But please do pay attention to their efforts to sway an election. Politics has become remarkably ugly, and they really should be held to account.

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I agree wholeheartedly, but it’s worse than you think. This use of labels and language is throughout our culture! My own siblings have called me a racist and homophobe, but I might be the poorest example of these slurs. I have purchased a car for a minority student, driven s gay student to his dates, and have always judged on the basis of the person, not skin color or orientation.

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Comment by markesommer

Social Justice doesn’t make sense because they hijacked a theological philosophy term and welded it to socialism.

Originally, it meant something like making a society that encourages folks to behave in a just matter– ie, prevents perverse incentives, protects basic rights. Designing a society to promote justice.

What they seem to use ‘social justice’ for is socialism of justice, confiscate and redistribute “justice” to favored groups…..

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Comment by Foxfier

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