American Elephants

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jog. by The Elephant's Child

I arrived home late this evening with reams of instructions, medications, with two of my sons who are my supporting angels and my daughter, and some words of advice for those who think that what we need to improve American health care is “Medicare for All” at a reported cost of something in the vague vicinity of $16 trillion a year, would or could improve anything. You need a little more serious reading in basic economics.

A splendidly-run local hospital is full of busy people endeavoring to help you recover, but that means tubes and tubes and tangles of tubes and people prodding you every few minutes with this test or another, more shots and more punctures, and buzzers and horns that go off every few seconds to alert the more knowledgeable to the misdoings of the less knowledgeable. Horrible places, good outcomes don’t come either cheap or easy.

Thank you all for your good wishes. Do whatever your physician has been telling you to do, and avoid the results of your neglect. Although how you identify a potential appendix attack is unknowable.

Look, Human beings are a quarrelsome lot. Families have a hard time getting along. We need governments to manage our societies for us, but America got it more right than most,  by suggesting that governments are not the revered superior beings of our societies, but rather our political servants. In other words, They are supposed to be thinking of us as the folks they work for but they seem to mostly think that their job is how to make their lives easier and more comfortable and important by controlling how inconvenient we are.  As we grow up and learn a little history, there are a lot of splendidly bad examples that should teach us enormous economic lessons.

We need our bureaucracies, but they are the enemy. Control them. Governments have no money of their own, and everything they do for you, the cost comes out of your pockets.

(Revised one sentence for clarity in next-to -last paragraph.)

4 Comments so far
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Like fire. Need it for civilization, but it’s freakin’ dangerous.

Glad you are alright, all things considered.

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Comment by Foxfier

I like the analogy, and will borrow it as stated. Thanks for the kind wishes.

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Comment by The Elephant's Child

I think I mostly stole it from “fire is a good servant and poor master,” but I’m glad you liked the rephrasing.

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Comment by Foxfier

Glad you are back but TAKE IT EASY…recovery is a slow process…further slowed by misbehavior. Get well soon!

Liked by 2 people

Comment by Deacon

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