American Elephants

Creating the “News” by The Elephant's Child
May 9, 2022, 7:16 pm
Filed under: Politics

On “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Former Obama administration Attorney General Eric Holder called fir former President Donald Trump to “be held accountable:” for the “January 6, 2021 riot “ at the U.S. Capitol. They are really trying hard, but the facts intrude. There was no “riot” on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol. A group of protesters in a plaza outside the Capitol were invited into the Capitol building by Capitol Police. There is film of the whole thing.

There was NO violence. Curious citizens, invited in by the Capitol Police, wandered through the building looking at the pictures on the walls. The only violence was when a Capitol Policeman shot and killed a young woman named Ashley Babbit for no known reason.

The protesters walked peacefully through the building, observing and obeying the red velvet ropes and looking at the pictures on the walls. Democrats are trying desperately to sell the whole thing as a “riot”, and will probably succeed to some extent, if they keep repeating it long enough. Disgusting.

They are, of course, deeply concerned because they recognize how unpopular the Biden Administration currently is, and they are worried about the next election coming up. The price of gas affects every pocketbook.Americans have experienced inflation and they don’t like it. Look up the definition of the word “riot”, every definition will include “violence” in some form. There was NO violence. Curious citizens, invited in by the Capitol Police, wandered through the building looking at the pictures on the walls. The only violence was when a Capitol Policeman shot and killed a young woman named Ashley Babbit for no known reason.

I don’t know to what extent reporters are rewarded for the numbers of readers who are attracted to their pieces, or for that matter if anybody keeps track, or can keep track. Recommendations on well-trafficked websites are undoubtedly noticed, but there are huge numbers of websites that do little commentary of their own, but direct readers to articles they find interesting. Journalism has changed a lot in the computer age.

News photographers are clearly always on the lookout for a good boob shot, which will top any ordinary news photography anytime. And apparently attract more interest.

The subject of the day, however is abortion A leak from some Supreme Court flunky suggests that the Court may revisit Roe v.Wade, which ignited a firestorm. Apparently a large percentage of American women regard legal abortion as their guaranteed safety net. Outraged, they immediately suggested that American women would promptly move to Europe, oblivious to the fact that the United States has probably been the world’s easiest place to obtain an abortion in the world. Abortions are not widely available in Europe, and much more restrictive where available. And in a large part of the world, quite illegal.

There are some 14 different ways to have sex and avoid becoming pregnant, according to my count. But taking responsibility for oneself is a little more complicated.