American Elephants

Morning in America! by American Elephant
November 4, 2010, 12:31 pm
Filed under: Conservatism, Election 2010, Freedom, Politics | Tags: , ,

Nice vid. Slick, savvy, celebratory.

(She’s running.)

Sarah Palin Slams Sleezy Murkawitz by American Elephant
October 29, 2010, 10:13 pm
Filed under: Election 2010, News, Politics | Tags: , , ,

Yeah, yeah, you know who I mean. She Who Shall Not Be Named. I’m certainly not going to help people spell her name right. Besides, it fits.

Bout time Sarah! My only question, where’s this been hiding?

Yesterday, Lisa Murkowski’s hired guns threatened radio host Dan Fagan, and more importantly, the station that airs Fagan’s show, with legal action for allegedly illegal “electioneering.” The station, unlike Murkowski, who is flush with millions of dollars from vested corporate interests, does not have a budget for a legal defense. So it did what any small market station would do when threatened by Beltway lawyers charging $500 to $1000 an hour – they pulled Dan Fagan off the air.

Does all this sound heavy handed? It is. It is an interference with Dan Fagan’s constitutional right to free speech. It is also a shocking indictment against Lisa Murkowski. How low will she go to hold onto power? First, she gets the Division of Elections to change its write-in process – a process that Judge Pfiffner correctly determined had been in place without change for 50 years. She is accepting financial support from federal contractors, an act that is highly questionable and now pending before the FEC. And today, she played her last card. She made it clear that if you disagree with her and encourage others to exercise their civic rights, she’ll take you off the air. [read the rest]

Sore loser, self-entitled, princess Skeezy Mercury is precisely the type of politician that Americans need to flush out of congress: people who put power before principles, hell, people who don’t have any principles to put first to begin with. This race is unfortunately close. Help defeat She Who Must Not Be Named by giving what you can to Joe Miller, or volunteering (from wherever you are). This race represents exactly the kind of change the Republican party needs to make!

(h/t HotAir)

Democrats Now Openly Wishing for Sarah Palin’s Death by American Elephant
August 11, 2010, 1:32 pm
Filed under: News, Politics | Tags: ,

Actually, this probably isn’t the first time:

In a Facebook post yesterday regarding the tragic plane crash that killed former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, [NH Democrat Keith] Halloran wrote, “Just wish Sarah and Levy [sic] were on board.”


Happy Birthday Sarah Palin! by American Elephant
February 11, 2010, 7:17 am
Filed under: Politics | Tags:

In part because we like you, and think you are very unfairly demonized. And because no matter what some may say about your qualifications, we know that you accomplished more as Governor of Alaska than Barack Obama has accomplished in his last four jobs combined.

And in part because we know the fact that you are another year older and still look better than most liberals half your age will drive them to gnash their teeth, pull out their hair and spew gallons of lurid green vomit — and who could pass up an opportunity like that!

Happy Birthday Governor, and many very happy returns!

Reason #7,294 The Associated Press Can’t Be Trusted by American Elephant
November 18, 2009, 4:17 am
Filed under: Media Bias, News, Politics | Tags: , ,

The Associated Press has assigned 11 reporters to “fact check” every page of Sarah Palin’s new 432 page memoir, Going Rogue: An American Life. The number of reporters they assigned to fact check recent books by Obama, Biden, Pelosi, both Clintons and Ted Kennedy? Zero.

That’s not reporting, that’s an agenda.

Christmas Gifts for Conservatives and Republicans by American Elephant

UPDATE! Be sure to check out our new reproductions of the original, iconic official Ronald Reagan 1980 primary & general election campaign logos! The campaign that started the Reagan Revolution! Not available anywhere but American Elephants.

Time for a little shameless holiday plug!

Still looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the conservative or Republican on your Christmas list? Look no further! Santa and his little elephants have been very busy in their workshop, adding new designs to The Elephant Trunk just in time for Christmas.  Whether you want to support Sarah Palin, show your appreciation for President Bush, stand up for a conservative principle, or simply mock Obama and the Democrats, we’ve got the perfect stocking stuffers and stylish gifts for you and every conservative on your Christmas list.  T-shirts, sweatshirts, buttons, bumper-stickers, bags, hats and more  — great for gifts under the tree or tucked neatly in a stocking by the fireplace.

And, rest assured, we’ve got more designs on the way, so check back often. 🙂

Hassle free delivery is guaranteed by Cafe Press to arrive on or before December 24, if orders are placed by 11.59 pm by Tuesday, Dec. 16 for standard shipping — Saturday, December 20, for premium shipping — or Noon, Monday December 22 for 1 day shipping.

And every item comes with Cafe Press’ 30- day money back guarantee.

We hope you’ll have a look, and even more, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

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Peggy Noonan on the debate last night. by The Elephant's Child

Democrats, I understand, are incensed because she winked.

After the Debate. by The Elephant's Child

Good Debate.  Sarah Palin was brilliant.  The nastiness will undoubtedly ramp up almost immediately. One of the talking heads on Fox said “She said ‘doggone it’ more than once.  I suppose that plays well in flyover country.”  And he immediately began getting angry e-mails.  What is it about these people who believe themselves to be part of a lofty elite because they appear on television?

Joe Biden was better than usual.  He has been tasked with an awful job — denying that Obama ever said any of the things that Obama previously said.  Giving Obama credit for things he didn’t do, blaming everything on Bush and claiming that McCain is just like Bush in spite of McCain’s actual positions. That is a lot of whoppers to remember.  You had to pity the man.

Yoo Hoo, Joe.  The financial meltdown is directly traceable to Democrat’s legislative demand that loans be made to people who could not qualify for loans. There is clear evidence in the legislation, and in the votes in Congress. It’s silly to try to pretend that Obama saw this financial mess coming and worked to prevent it. Good grief! Senator Barack ACORN was working hard to increase the problem and had been for years.  He trained activists, supported them with other people’s money, acted as their counsel in court, and as a senator, funneled tax money — lots of it — to ACORN.

The Obama campaign is heavily invested in making Americans believe that everything is terrible, and that everyone in the middle class is desperate.  I suppose if you tell people often enough that they are suffering, at some point they will start to believe it. Then the Messiah can arrive to rescue you.  Don’t be disappointed when it doesn’t work.  Obama’s economic plans are, perhaps, even scarier than his foreign policy plans.

Past history says that the vice presidential debate has little effect on the election.  But this is a strange year.  Polls show that only about 13% of Americans can distinguish between the two parties or explain their differences.  That is fairly scary too.

Before the Vice-Presidential Debate Tonight. by The Elephant's Child

Tonight we have the vice-presidential debate.  I have never seen anything like the Democrat attack on Sarah Palin.  She really terrifies them.  Imagine sending a crowd of 30 lawyers to Alaska to investigate every aspect of her life, pockets full of cash, to find something, anything to discredit her.  They obviously didn’t find much of anything since they have stretched credulity so far in their attacks. And one of the leading media outlets — Washington Post? Newsweek? — has 4 people in Alaska going through dumpsters, and another 4 in Arizona doing the same thing.

The hard, lacquered women with their designer shoes and their foul mouths hate Sarah Palin. Mary Graber, writing at Pajamas Media claims that what the feminists hate is:

That Palin thinks like a man, or logically, is what has made the left livid.  As appropriate to their modes, they respond emotionally….

While anti-reason theories circulate and were repeated in academic discourse, in politics the new ethic of “caring” was promoted by Bill Clinton and in the media by women’s talk shows like Oprah, Ellen, and The View, where politics was wedged into teary discussions about makeovers in fashion and self-esteem.  Barack Obama, with his “community organizer” experience, recalls the efforts of women with settlement houses, as proto-social workers.

Women — and men who think like women — rule the liberal media and grant such emotion-based politics legitimacy.  But the other side of the “caring” coin is the personality-based “critical” side — a nasty, catty one, indeed.

The confusion of the two spheres, the application of “caring” that is appropriately reserved for the domestic sphere where all fetuses are allowed to be birthed and nurtured, is illustrated by Palin, who does not make such confusions.  She does not infuse public policy with those notions suited for the home by promoting increased welfare, negotiation with terrorists, and efforts to “understand’ the root causes of terrorism, as Obama said we should do in his post-9/11 speech.

It’s an interesting discussion, and food for thought.  Do read the whole thing, linked above.

We’ll see how Sarah Palin does tonight.  In the flood of media attacks belittling her family, her hometown, her moose-hunting, do remember that she has governed the largest state in the union so  successfully that she has approval ratings beyond the wildest dreams of most politicians. And those approval ratings came from executive accomplishments in a state where more responsibility falls on the governors shoulders than any other except New York and Massachusetts.

McCain/Palin t shirts, yard signs, banners, campaign buttons, bumper stickers and more! by American Elephant

Sarah Palin t shirts, sweatshirts and boxers for men, women, kids, baby and dog! In multiple colors and styles.

John McCain t shirts, sweatshirts and boxers for men, women, kids, baby and dog! In multiple colors and styles.

McCain/Palin Shirts, sweatshirts and boxers for men, women, kids, baby and dog! In multiple colors and styles.

McCain/Palin yard signs, banners, bumper stickers, campaign buttons, stickers, bags, mugs and more!

A little shameless self promotion. Forgive us!

But lots of people seem to be looking for McCain signs, buttons, shirts, bumper stickers, etc, and can’t find them. We’ve got em!

Yard signs, large vinyl banners, buttons, stickers, mugs bags and more. T shirts, sweatshirts, baseball shirts in loads of styles and colors for men, women, kids, baby and even your pets!

Click here, or click any of the pics to see our store.  The store is run by and is guaranteed 100% secure. And we are adding new designs just as quick as we can, so check back often and show your support for John McCain and Sarah Palin! (we’ll likely have some good anti-Obama/Democrat designs soon too 🙂 )

What do Alaskans think about Gov. Palin? by The Elephant's Child

The New York Times has a long article from the Obama campaign in today’s paper on Sarah Palin.  They sent some 30 attorneys with pockets full of cash off to Alaska to dig up dirt.  The Obama campaign must be really, really scared of her.  Surely most Alaskans must have some nasty things to say.

A new poll from American Viewpoint (not commissioned by the McCain campaign) asks about the job approval for Governor Palin.  Overall: 86%.  Among Independents: 86%.  Among Democrats: 75%. 

Overall: McCain/Palin: 57%       Obama/Biden: 33%

Among Independents:  McCain/Palin: 50%     Obama/Biden:  37%

Voters who say Energy is Top Issue:  McCain/Palin: 74%    Obama/Biden:  18%

Polls don’t really mean too much at this point, but perhaps nasty personal attacks on Governor Palin aren’t the best of strategies.

Matt Damon Uses His Acting Powers to Defeat Palin by Emerald City Elephant
September 13, 2008, 12:28 am
Filed under: Foreign Policy, Humor, Liberalism, Socialism | Tags: , ,

Funny little vid from Pudge at Sound Politics (watch til the end):

“If we focus our acting on global politics, we can change everything…and stuff”

The funniest thing of all, liberals like Damon actually believe this idiotic crap they spew. Indeed, they refuse to separate from the hive mind long enough to learn anything even resembling reality.

The reason the creators of South Park have been so successful is because humor is funniest when it lays bare the truth. And the truth they lay bare is that liberals truly are freaking idiots.