American Elephants

Kimberly Strassel on The Resurgence of Socialism Today by The Elephant's Child

For those of you who are not familiar with her, Kimberly Strassel is a writer at the Opinion Page of the Wall Street Journal, and a perceptive observer of the current scene. Here she appeared on the Eric Metaxis show to discuss her new book on the Resurgence of Socialism today. It is more than worth your time, as is her book.

The remarkable Democrat insistence that President Trump’s removal of perhaps the world’s worst Terrorist leader, Iran’s head of the Quds Force, was an attempt to start World War III passes all realms of sanity into sheer partisan goofiness, and leaves one wondering — what is the matter with these people? They should be celebrating that the world is at the very least a small bit safer. Soleimani was responsible for the death of many U.S. soldiers and an evil presence in the world.

The vague idea that Socialism would improve anything whatsoever demonstrates nothing so much as ignorance of history, and the havoc that misguided idea has created in the world as we know it.

It’s Hard to Believe That Anyone Could Believe in Socialism Today! by The Elephant's Child

There is so much history, so many horrible examples. How could anyone be so ill-informed? It probably starts with Republican tax cuts. The Democrats always sneer  “tax cuts for the rich!” and the rich do get tax cuts, and so does everyone else. The cuts for the poorer people are indeed smaller because they pay less taxes in the first place.The top 20% of earners pay 94% of all taxes paid. Of course they get a bigger percentage cut than the rest of us.

Boggles the mind to see how many people complain about the government, and then want to turn over to the government, all those unelected bureaucrats, our businesses, our worldly goods, and our way of earning a living. We cannot make even the simplest decisions about our lives, but have to leave it up to the government? It’s far worse than no toilet paper and no food. It’s having to eat the zoo animals, and then your pets.

There is no such thing as “Democratic Socialism.”

Socialism Is a Bait-and-Switch Scheme by The Elephant's Child

The Federalist has an excellent column: “Socialism’s Bloody History Shows Millennials Should Think Twice Before Supporting It” by Stella Morabito. It’s a political system that puts the reins of Power in the hands of just a few strongmen who end up calling all the shots. It’s a system in which suspicion nd the smell of treason tend to hang in the air.  She says:

Socialism, by the way, is just such a system. This is the case whether you call it by any other name, whether communism, utopianism, or collectivism. Oh, go ahead and slap some lipstick on that pig and call it “democratic” socialism or “progressivism” or “communitarianism.”

Socialism and communism both involve ceding to the state control over the distribution of goods and services for the masses. This involves giving up individual rights, and giving the state a good measure of control over our personal lives. This road always leads to tyranny, no matter what you pave it with, and no matter what you name it.

Do read the whole thing.

Everything Seems to Be Slipping Away by The Elephant's Child

It seems that all is not quite as it seemed to be. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was chosen to be a front for an organization called Justice Democrats. Do a quick search for that group. Now that they have been exposed, they have removed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff from the board of the Justice Democrats. This is all getting so weird that I feel like I am wandering around in someone else’s script for an improbable thriller.

We have political candidates and school children shouting and marching because they believe that climate change is leaving us only 12 or 15 years before it all ends. Yet over the past 40 years the earth has warmed only approximately 2.2º F. The rise of the oceans is in millimeters. Most of what is supposed to be a crisis of some kind, isn’t, and what is really important is ignored. The “Green New Deal” was apparently written up over a weekend by this group, and half or more of the Democrat Party has signed on. And yet, it is a complete fraud, and nobody is bright enough to realize it.

Our young people seem to think Socialism is something to be admired, yet completely ignore the perfectly unsurprising collapse of the latest experiment with Socialism in Venezuela. This isn’t something odd, but what can be expected in a socialist country.  The People are dying from lack of medicine, lack of food, lack of clean water, no electricity. Once a beautiful country, rich with vast resources of oil, now utterly bankrupt, collapsing a little more each day. That’s not some example of just not doing socialism right. It’s what socialism is. There is no such thing as “Democratic Socialism.”

Read The Black Book of Communism. an 800 page compendium of the crimes of Communist regimes worldwide, recorded in ghastly detail by a team of scholars. The facts and figures, some of them well known, others confirmed in hitherto inaccessible archives, are irrefutable. The myth of well-intentioned founders has been laid to rest for good.

What is Fake News? by The Elephant's Child

President Trump Was Right to Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords by The Elephant's Child


The Climate narrative insists that the globe (the whole earth) is warming (not just regional warming), and the warming that has occurred sine 1950 is remarkable, frightening, unnatural and unprecedented. It is the people’s fault—human impact. We did it with our reluctance to shut down all pipelines and rely on gentle wind and soft, warm solar rays, instead of something that would actually power a vast economy.

In 2016 a search of the peer-reviewed scientific literature has found dozens of paleoclimate reconstructions that show that modern “global” warming hasn’t been global in scale at all, for there are many regions on Earth where the climate has been cooling for decades. And even if the warming was on a global scale—the evidence shows that the modern warming is not unusual or even much different than it has been in the past.

Today’s warm temperatures don’t even come close to the maximum temperatures achieved earlier in the Holocene, or as recently as the Medieval Warm Period, 1000 years ago, when there weren’t effluents from modern transportation, factories, dreaded fossil fuels. The warming in recent decades is not even unusual within the context of the last 80 years. The warmth in the 1930s and 1940s matched or exceeded the warmth of the late 20th and 21st centuries in many of the world’s regions. There was even a widely publicized period in the 1960s and 1970s when there was substantial cooling – 0.5º C in the Northern Hemisphere and -1.5º C in the Arctic. Back then they were calling it “Nuclear Winter” and the Club of Rome got all excited about it.

Scientists have kept on publishing their work, and it has been peer-reviewed. The thing is that ordinary people don’t dig into the evidence, and a great many ordinary people just accept what they have been told by Al Gore (who is not a scientist) and others without even trying to understand the reality themselves.

You surely would not be surprised to learn that not everyone’s motives are pure, and that the aim of the Global Warming Panic crowd is political and not scientific at all. The aim has been a vast redistribution of wealth from the rich nations to the poor nations, and the destruction of Capitalism as the engine of growth and wealth on the planet that has helped to raise the poor people of the world out of hunger and poverty. (They are still, in spite of all evidence, just sure that socialism will make everybody equal and get rid of all those nasty bankers.)

Here is a collection of 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers  published within the last year that undermine the “consensus” position that modern warming is unusual, global in extent, or that today’s slight warming is unusual or unprecedented. (There is, by the way no 97% consensus. That’s a talking point, not reality.)

Also, I just ran into a June 9 post from Climate Depot headlined “Unusually Thick Arctic ice pack traps boats, triggers rescue operation off Newfoundland” If you follow this link, there’s a dandy picture of boats trapped in heavy ice off La Scie, Newfoundland, and the rescue operation to save them.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, California’s endless winter still has 8 feet of snow on the ground in the central Sierra — rivaling the massive winter of 1982-83. Mammoth Mountain will still be open daily for skiers into August.

You might consider the possibility that President Trump knew what he was doing when he withdrew (to screams of agony from the Left) from the unratified Paris Climate Accords.

A Little Clarity About the Virtues of Socialism – There Aren’t Any. by The Elephant's Child

Daniel Hannan is the Member of the European Parliament for South East England, for the Conservative Party. This speech is from 2014, but still more than appropriate. Bernie Sanders, committed Socialist, suggests we should have a government more like Sweden — currently the rape capital of the world. Hannan is a Euroskeptic, and argues for Democratic reform. If you prefer, he can speak in either French or Spanish as well.

When we graduate aspiring politicians, I wish we could send them to Britain to learn how to speak without uhs and ands and garbled language and fuzzy thought.

A Vast Self-Inflicted Tragedy Has Struck Greece. There Are No Easy Answers. by The Elephant's Child
July 5, 2015, 8:59 pm
Filed under: Communism, Economy, Socialism, Statism | Tags: , , ,


Well, the matter of Greece. Janet Daley describes the problem in The Telegraph.

There is no point any longer in trying to make sense of this. It has gone beyond sense. It is now incomprehensible in the strict technical meaning of the word. The “options” available are all catastrophic and delusional in varying degrees and combinations, and nobody is actually going to get to choose between them anyway – at least, nobody in Greece. To the extent that they have had any involvement – or culpability – in this matter, the Greek people must come to terms with the consequences of electing Russell Brand to head their government. Voters do have some responsibility for the choices that they make. That is what distinguishes mature democracy from the students’ union. But given the price that they are paying for that moment of mad frivolity, it seems harsh to condemn, especially as the prospect of fiscal rationality had already been ruined by the fecklessness of previous governments and external forces beyond their control.

It’s a marvelous example, once again, of the failure of socialism. We have seen it over  and over, and the empty stores in Venezuela were only a harbinger of the empty stores, already, in Greece. Spare the empathy, the Greeks brought it upon themselves. A new book from James Angelos:The Full Catastrophe, looks at the widespread tax evasion and benefit fraud. How about an island where everybody pretends to be blind? Or  doctors who earn only €12,000 a year — yet live in the most exclusive neighborhood in Athens?

It was rumors of the ‘Island of the blind’ that brought journalist James Angelos to Greece. Turned out that 61 of the supposedly blind residents of Zakynthos, were quite happily driving around the island, and an astonishing 496 of the 680 blind residents were not blind nor partially sighted. It was all a scam that could be traced back to one ophthalmologist and one official who cost the government €69 million. Being blind got you €724 paid in benefits once every two months, and a reduction in utility bills.

When the government called for those claiming disabilities to present themselves at government offices so official records could be updated, 36,000 failed to show up.That scam saved the government €100 million a year. When they began to check the rolls, they found that 8,500 unlikely pensioners claimed to be over age 100.

Neighborhoods of opulent mansions with their own pools were apparently occupied by virtual paupers who were living on a paltry €12,000 or only €8,000 since they were allowed to declare their own incomes for tax purposes. Official records showed that just over 300 homes in Athens most exclusive neighborhood  had swimming pools, and had paid the tax for the luxury. When the bureaucrats looked at Google Earth, it appeared that the real number of pools was closer to 20,000. But well-to-do home owners promptly bought camouflage tarpaulins to conceal their existence from tax inspectors flying over.

The picture of a pensioner crying in the street when he learns that his pension has been reduced to €120 is heartwrenching. Stores are empty, medicine short, and the government is projected to run out of cash this week. Nobody plans to rescue them. Much of Southern Europe is already coping with floods of refugees from Africa and the Middle East. Bureaucrats like to buy votes with their empathy. We care about  you and we will give you stuff. But bureaucrats need to stay in power, so they exert more and more control, which needs larger departments and higher salaries for the bureaucracy. And so it goes. Inflating and inflating the balloon with the inevitable result.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Comments On The “Moral Case” Obama Makes for ObamaCare by The Elephant's Child
June 11, 2015, 6:37 am
Filed under: Freedom, Politics | Tags: , ,


Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal responded to a question on Mike Gallagher’s June 10 syndicated talk-radio show about the “moral case” made this week by President Obama for ObamaCare. The Wall Street Journal reprinted it in their  “Notable and Quotable” column.


Let’s call his remarks exactly what they are. He made the moral case for socialism. Let’s not sugarcoat it, that’s exactly what he believes. He doesn’t hide it, he doesn’t pretend, we shouldn’t either. This isn’t new. Those who favor socialism always make the moral case for it. The truth is, maybe they actually believe in it, but in the real world, socialism harms, it weakens the economies of countries that have tried it. It just does. Weaker economies hurt everybody in them. Socialism kills incentive, opportunity, freedom. It is the opposite of what America is all about. Look, socialism always harms the people it claims to help the most. It handicaps them, leaving them weaker, less self-determined, less free. We should have this debate out in the open. His “moral case” for ObamaCare is actually immoral. Spending money you don’t have is immoral. Borrowing more money than you can pay back is immoral. Lying to the American people is immoral, so it’s ironic he chooses to use the terms “moral case” or “moral imperative” to make the case for what I think is a very flawed law. The Supreme Court, I hope, rules the correct way. We need to repeal this, replace this. Mike, we cannot measure success by how many people are dependent on government. That’s what President Obama wants. That is the opposite of what America stands for.

What Recovery? by American Elephant
September 7, 2010, 10:03 am
Filed under: Economy, News, Politics, Progressivism | Tags: , ,

New ad from the NRSC. Pretty much nails it.

So Much for Hope! by American Elephant
August 28, 2010, 12:49 pm
Filed under: Domestic Policy, Economy, Election 2010, News, Progressivism | Tags: , , ,

U.S. birthrate lowest in a century.

The United States birthrate has fallen to its lowest level in at least a century as many people apparently decided they could not afford more mouths to feed.

And before Obama blames Bush, which seems to be the only thing he is capable of:

The situation is a striking turnabout from 2007, when more babies were born in the United States than in any other year in the nation’s history.

I can’t think of a more objective measure of how much hope Americans are feeling — and the truth is that Obama has not brought hope, he has destroyed it, as he destroys everything he touches.

(h/t HotAir)

217 Democrats Vote to Destroy America by American Elephant

Happy Dependence Day!

Mark Steyn sums up my feelings well, with far fewer expletives. Read his piece. I know many people don’t understand how destructive this bill is. Steyn’s piece is a good starting place. We can either be a nation of free independent people, or we can be a nation of welfare recipients. We cannot be both. It doesn’t work.  Our founders (and others) understood what Obama and the rest of the socialists do not:

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

~ Thomas Jefferson

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.”

~ Alexander Tytler

Obama and the Democrats have just lurched us towards decline. We were a very abundant, very generous nation. Democrats and Obama are using greed and selfishness to try to skip straight to dependency, Dependency on Democrats. It truly is evil.

I’ll write more when I recover my optimism. The Elephant’s Child chose today to have computer problems. She’ll hopefully be back tomorrow.

Until then, America WILL overturn or repeal this. If not because we still cherish liberty, than at least because the punishment in higher premiums, higher costs, higher taxes, less employment, less opportunity will start long before any supposed benefits.