American Elephants

The Case for Trump, a Year Ago by The Elephant's Child

This interview from the Hoover Institution was recorded on April  1, 2019. when Victor Davis Hanson’s book The Case for Trump came out. It holds up remarkably well. I’m a great admirer of Dr. Hanson. How did blue collar voters connect with a millionaire builder from Queens? Possibly because, contrary to Democrat shrieks, Donald Trump is authentic, exactly who he says he is. The people like that.

The February Jobs Report: Payrolls soared by 273,000. Might have something to do with current approval.

Maggie’s Farm blog called my attention to this post.

Matt Margolis at pjmedia points out that “We Can Thank Trump for the United States Having Such a Low Per Capita Infection Rate of Coronavirus.”

The Impeachment Circus Continues! by The Elephant's Child

The Impeachment Circus has moved to the Senate for trial. Nancy Pelosi is operating under the illusion that everyone hates President Trump just as much as she and her cohorts do, because Democrats speak only to other Democrats and are unfamiliar with the ideas of conservatives. They just regard us as the enemy.

She made a big deal of appointing the Democrat judges for the Senate trial. She had special pens made up with her name on them, and handed them out on silver platters. (Really!) Clearly, she seems to believe that this is a very big deal and they will go down in history as ridding the American people of a terrible president. They have struggled so hard to find something to impeach him for. They were so sure in the first place that they would be able to get him for working with the Russians, and that didn’t work, though I think they still believe that was real and they just couldn’t find the evidence.

Nancy Pelosi tweeted on January 14: “American elections should be decided by the American people not by the Russian Government.”

The fairly obvious response is that the American election was decided by the American people. They chose Donald Trump!

You may have thought that Hillary Clinton was the better candidate, and that the first woman to be president would be a big deal, but a very large number of people thought Hillary was a compulsive liar, had been a remarkably poor Secretary of State, was very unlikable, drinks too much, and doesn’t do her homework. And then there was Benghazi.

I have never understood the Democrats’ seething hatred for Donald Trump. Sure he has a funny haircut, uses tanning creme, wears his neckties too long and tweets. So What? He has the American economy booming, the envy of the world. The greatest benefits of the thriving economy have gone to the poorest people, those who were unemployed and now have jobs. We are now a major oil exporter. We have a trade deal with our closest neighbors, Mexico and Canada. The Wall on our Southern border is going up, and the flow of illegal criminals and drugs is being reduced. And he has eliminated one of the world’s worst terrorists, whose plots will no longer threaten us here at home.

Perhaps that is the major reason they hate him. Obama was quite sure that in today’s times there was no possibility of getting economic growth above two percent. Democrats depend on buying votes. Medicare for all, free healthcare, free college, paid off student loans. And here’s this president that they hate and he’s doing all these things that Americans seem to like. They are terrified that he might even be reelected for another four years.

And of course the biggest thing is that they are no longer in control. They see themselves as morally superior, entitled to be in charge, and to have all the most important ruling roles.

The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency by The Elephant's Child

The impeachment debacle remains on the country’s mind. The essential books seem to be Andy McCarthy’s Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency, followed closely by Lee Smith’s The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in US History.

The Steele Dossier is central to Lee Smith’s story. We have here some very serious misbehavior by government officials attempting to undo the election of a President of the United States. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Congressman Devin Nunes for his courage in pursuing a shocking effort to bring down a duly elected President, and the gradual exposure of a criminal effort to play politics because they didn’t get their way in the election.

Here  is Lee Smith at Epoch Times with Epoch’s senior editor Jan Jekielek in a lengthy conversation about his book: The Plot Against the President.

It’s long, about an hour and perhaps you have time on a cold post New Year’s Sunday. This whole thing is so complex, and so dreadfully illegal and improper. It all must be exposed and the people need to know what has happened. The Hillary Clinton campaign broke into the Trump campaign. The Clinton Campaign was looking for something to destroy the Trump Campaign and assure a win for Hillary. It’s was to be a story of a President of the United States who had been compromised by the Russians. Didn’t quite work out that way.

I’ve watched this whole thing, and it is fascinating. We are so far only really aware of the FISA debacle. No President of the United States has had to face such a bombard of fake news and have his every move questioned and slandered.

Here is Devin Nunes, valiant detective, former chairman of the Intelligence Committee, displaced by Adam Schiff when the Democrats retook chairmanship of the House. Congressman Nunes has exposed the Steele Dossier and the role of the leftist Press. Lots to be exposed yet, and we seem to have a major spy scandal on our hands. The press does not come off well.

Most of us are aware by now that the American Media has mostly decided to play politics rather than journalism. Listen to a broadcast from the New York Times and you will notice the smarmy replacement of normal vocabulary with propaganda type words. They intend to hit at your emotions rather than your intelligence. Devin Nunes is one of my heroes. And he has to work with Adam Schiff every day.

Consider getting the books as well.

Victor Davis Hanson Explains the Left, and It’s Not Pretty by The Elephant's Child

Everybody is busy trying to get ready for Christmas, do the shopping, get presents, write cards, parties, plan festivities, get a tree and put it up. Who has time?

And yet we are presented with a phony impeachment, accusations that make no sense, the underlying information coming out and criminal acts being exposed.  Who has time to pay the attention needed, to learn what’s really happening.  If you have time for another very rewarding video for learning about what is really going on, you will appreciate this. If you don’t have time, copy it and save for later.  Or depend on my archives. It will be there.

What We have Been Reading and Mulling Over: by The Elephant's Child

At Commentary:  John Steele Gordon asks: “Has the American Economy ever been in better shape than it is today? The answer, frankly, is no.”

The American economy continues its robust growth. Two hundred sixty-six thousand new jobs were added in November, well above expectations, while the unemployment rate dropped back to September’s and October’s jobs numbers adjusted upwards, job growth has averaged 208,000 jobs for the last three months.

At Powerline blog: By Scott Johnson “BARR IS ON THE CASE”

Attorney General William Barr sat for an extended interview with NBC’s Pete Williams to discuss the findings in the Department of Justice Inspector General report released yesterday afternoon. NBC has cut the thing up in a couple of stories, but it has also posted the whole thing on YouTube (24-minute video below).

If you can find the time, do watch the video. Attorney General William Barr will make you feel like there are still some grownups here.

Scott followed that up with BARR IS ON THE Case 2

At National Review: “The Articles of Impeachment are Very Weak” by Andy McCarthy:

The charges range from insignificant to implausible to inane.

Democrats rolled out two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday, alleging abuse of power and obstruction.

As noted over the weekend, I had to correct myself when writing that the impeachment inquiry that led to this point was a “rush to judgment.” The judgment was made long ago. The president has been Impeached Man Walking for “The Resistance” since before he took the oath of office. The House proceedings have been a matter of rushing the process until it catches up to a judgment of three years’ standing.

The Democrats have oversold the impeachment idea. How could they help it? Their Crazies are loudly proclaiming how horrible Trump is daily and demanding his removal from office. They have gone too far, and their arguments are falling apart. The FBI is in deep trouble. Much is yet to come, including the other investigation.


Bombshell, etc. by The Elephant's Child

When it all begins to seem, well, — too much,  just copy this video so you can play it just once more. It’s quite satisfying.  And if you ever wondered why President Trump is so unforgiving with the media, there you go.

Tucker Carlson Clears up the Trump Mystery by The Elephant's Child

Politics and Impeachment, the Constitution, and All That by The Elephant's Child

Politics is mostly an unpleasant subject wherever and whenever it is practiced. Making informed choices about matters of importance for the city or nation soon gets left in the dust as opinions become bandied about.

Then it gets down to who likes who and why and how dare you disagree with me. Passions are aroused. Demonstrations take place, and first thing you know fights break out, the police are called and so on and so forth.

We had an election in 2016. The Republican candidate was Donald J. Trump. The Democrat candidate was Hillary Clinton. Democrats were confident that Hillary would win easily. They were unaware that many people just did not like Hillary Clinton, and thought it was unlikely that she would do an acceptable job as president. She lost. Trump won. This has resulted in an enraged Democrat Party apparently loathing President Trump and vowing to do everything and anything to bring him down.

He supposedly has a Queens accent. His father was a builder, and sent him out early to work with construction crews, on building sites. To this day he is apt to stop and talk to construction workers on the street, and apparently likes them. This is unacceptable in other areas of New York? Dunno. I’m a Westerner. This, surely is not the cause of all the vile commentary out there. It is a  puzzlement.

It is quite clear that he is doing a good job for the country. Obama told us firmly that the economy would never again get over 2% growth, it was just no longer in the cards. Trump cut taxes, cut some government costs (but not enough) and has begun to move some large agencies out of Washington DC and closer to the areas they are supposed to serve, which has caused consternation among those who like living in Washington DC. The economy is booming, unemployment has reached historic lows. Manufacturing is increasing.  Growth is well over 3%, and more and more people are dropping off food stamps.

Some are finding fault with his campaign promises, for example, he said that he would build a wall on the Southern border and Mexico would help pay for it. With Congressional intransigence, the wall building goes slowly, and spokesmen can’t seem to see that Mexico is helping. They are turning people back at their Southern Border and also further along, offering less assistance to migrants. Did you expect Mexico to send President Trump a check? They did not do that.

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, has issued (twice) a demand: “Mr. President, You need to prove your innocence!” Um, Fifth Amendment? No person…shall be compelled to be a witness against himself?” And innocence of just what? You are having an enormous problem deciding what it is you think the President is guilty of, other than winning an election.

“If the president has something that is exculpatory — Mr. President, that means you have anything that shows your innocence — then he should make that known and that’s part of the inquiry,” Pelosi said, as The Week noted. “And so far, we haven’t seen that. But we welcome it.”

Pelosi then went on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday and told host Margaret Brennan that if Trump had “information that is exculpatory — that means ex, taking away, culpable, blame — then we look forward to seeing it.”

Sorry, Nancy, that’s not how we do it in a free American society. In her world, it’s Trump who must prove innocence, not Democrats who must find guilt.

Most, but not all, Americans were born in a neighborhood, usually among people very much like themselves, and they are surprised to learn that there are others who have different customs and beliefs.

Democrats believe firmly that they are morally superior. They believe that they are morally superior because they care — and Republicans don’t. They care about those who want to cross our borders illegally, and those who are hiding from ICE, those who are living here and working here illegally. Now they are campaigning to get those who are fleeing from climate change admitted legally as “refugees”, not to protect them from the ravages of climate change, but to count them in the next census and get their votes in the next election. The Left’s aims are not pure. They simply believe that they are entitled to be in charge, and they cannot stand being deprived.


Americans Are Getting Dumber! Here’s Proof. by The Elephant's Child

I wrote a couple of days ago a post about people seeming to get dumber. When you read quite a bit of opinion, you become sure of it. Rasmussen, the big polling company, said today that, and I quote, “Democrats really don’t like America and think it’s time to move on from the culture that got us here,”

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 38% of Likely Democratic Voters believe American society is generally fair and decent. Fifty-one percent (51%) say it’s unfair and discriminatory.

By comparison, 74% of Republicans and unaffiliated voters by a 49% to 36% margin view American society as fair and decent.

Look, let’s get back to basics. You should have learned by the time you are five or six, at least,that Life Is Hard. You fall down and get hurt, you don’t like the food your mother made you eat. You can elaborate far beyond that. Bad marriages, people you love die, disappointments, problems, failure, owing money, illness, disease. It’s just not all sweetness and light. With time, you can get the good stuff to outweigh the bad and shrug off the rest of it.

It’s not just Twitter, though they are a problem. How many pictures have you seen of young people seated somewhere, each and every one interacting with their phone, ignoring those around them? ‘Social Media’ but not much is social about it. We’re told that our young people in college think it would be fine to change our form of government to Communism.  They reached 18 years of age and know nothing? Nothing at all. We are deeply in trouble.

Adam Schiff is basking in his moments of fame, and trying desperately to hype up his moment. A Vice President of the United States has used his position to get his kid a job on a foreign country’s Energy Company’s Board of  Directors at an enormous salary of $83,000 a month, for which he has no qualifications whatsoever, and we are supposed to think it’s all about his father (the former Vice President of the United States) being a rival for the 2020 election? Perhaps Mr. Biden had no felonious intent, and just thought it was nice that these people wanted his son on the board because they liked him and…Sorry, there is no way that does not smell to high heaven. Yes, we know that former government officials get big payoffs from the private sector, book deals, fancy estates, from those looking to use the influence of a big name. But that’s not the way it is supposed to be. We honor our past presidents, even the ones we didn’t  like.

George W. went on home and led outdoor trips for wounded vets, and painted their portraits.  After it was discovered that Harry Truman was living off his army pension and little more, and had the integrity to avoid post-presidential money grubbing, Congress increased presidential pay significantly and a pension was provided so that future presidents were protected from any possible penury.

The news from the Trump presidency is pretty outstanding. Did you know that? The increases in median household income under Donald Trump are very large. Based on Census Bureau monthly data, from January 2017 when Donald Trump entered office through August 2019, middle-class household incomes have risen from $61,000 to an all time high of $66,000 — in 2019 dollars, adjusted for inflation.

The left freaked out for understandable reasons. They are especially agitated because median household incomes have risen by $5,000 under Trump, compared to $1,100 in seven years under President Barack Obama. The data also undermines the case against Trump. Elizabeth Warren likes to say in every speech, “The middle class has been left behind by Trump’s policies.” That’s flat-out wrong.

The self-proclaimed “fact-checkers” on the left went to work to try to discredit the numbers. This includes The Washington Post, PolitiFact and others.

As an aside, we have a big problem in America when the “fact-checkers” are all playing for the liberal team. A case in point is the liberal PolitiFact, which used the screaming headline “Trump’s Shaky $5,000 Boast.” The Post gave Trump two Pinocchios for claiming these income gains and said “Trump Inflates His Economic Record.”

A standard complaint is that these numbers are assembled by a private organization called Sentier Research. But the two Sentier statisticians who analyzed this month’s Census Current Population Survey — a gold mine of economic information — are probably the most knowledgeable people in the country on this data.

Stephen Moore, whose commentary this is, goes on to show how the media has tried to spin this news. If you are interested in liberal spin, this is an excellent example. Do they really just want to get Trump out of there before anyone catches on to what an outstanding job he is doing? You might also enjoy The American Mind’s explanation of the Culture War 2.0, and the changing Rules of Engagement. It’s a 12 minute read, they say.  (I told you, they are having to go to great lengths to get unwilling people to read, and we are getting dumber. ) We have to read to get informed, to know what is true and what is not, and how we are being manipulated. We have to fight back.

“Occasio-Cortez Dismisses Fears Democratic Party Moving Too Far Left: “We Are Bringing the Party Home” Yesterday’s headline at Breitbart.


Absolutely Entitled to Be In Charge! by The Elephant's Child

It is certainly clear that Democrats believe they are entitled to run things, to be in charge. Three years later, and they still have not gotten over it. “Entitled” seems to be the key word. They should be in charge – because they are morally superior. They are compassionate. They care.

Republicans clearly do not care. They make it clear every day. Desperate people looking for a better life, and Republicans want to build walls to keep them out. They want to send people to prison just for smoking a joint. They have this cruel police force called ICE that wants to track down immigrants living quietly in this country and deport them. They want to tell women what they can do with their bodies, and deny them health care when they need it most. They clearly do not really care about the people at all.

The earth is facing a horrible doom because Republicans won’t face facts and move to clean renewable energy, and stop the evil oil pipelines that are despoiling the planet, because they favor Big Oil companies instead of clean natural wind and solar energy. It’s very clear that Republican care far more about budgets and big corporations than they do about the American people.

If you just keep their moral superiority in mind, everything will become clearer and less argumentative. They are really trying to improve things. Just see what they are offering to do to improve your lives. Rein in those big corporations that are polluting the planet. Medicare for all, not just the old folks. Compassion for all.  Social Justice for all. More equality. More fairness. What more could you ask?

The Unrecognized Perils of Running For the Presidency by The Elephant's Child

You have probably noticed that people who have run unsuccessfully for the presidency of the United States don’t fade quietly away after their unsuccessful run. Immediate example is, of course, Hillary. She seems to have convinced herself that she actually won the election, and through some nefarious trickery, the horrid Trump got the nod, but he didn’t actually win. Everybody cheated, including the now famous “Deplorables.”

Hillary is not alone. Mitt Romney is now in the news for his secret Twitter account where he is accused of being a Twitter ‘Lurker’ under the name “Pierre Delecto” for keeping up with the news. I think if you have seriously competed and lost, you are bound to look at each new event with the consideration of how you would have handled it and what you would have done, and how much better your ideas are. Human nature. I think it extends to those who dropped out early as well.

Every act of a new president will be put under a magnifying device, and certainly Donald Trump has had more nay-sayers than most. Past presidents will feel they have the authority to chime in, and of course present events may suggest the correctness (or not) of their actions in office. Lots of people are suggesting that Hillary may jump in at the last minute.  We’ll see. Wouldn’t take much to convince her that she should.

Getting Tired of Being Called a “Racist”? by The Elephant's Child

I am becoming terminally tired of the Democrats and their Race Card. Sorry, you cannot change your history of being on the wrong side in the efforts to get rid of slavery and all it’s remnants, by accusing everyone else of racism. President Trump did not suggest anything racist about AOC’s “Squad.” I was astonished to learn that the four members of AOC’s “Squad” were to be considered  “women of color.” I hadn’t noticed. I assumed that they were all “Justice Democrats,” Socialists, which is a remarkably ignorant idea for any American. Actually, Democrats seem to accuse anyone who has the temerity to disagree with them of racism.  It’s just an automatic response.

The President inartfully tweeted about the four women who are actually members of Congress, yet seem to dislike the country they supposedly serve, suggesting that if they didn’t like it in this country, they were free to leave. But what he said was to suggest that they should go back where they came from. Bad turn of phrase, but nothing to do with race. Remember that Donald Trump came of age in the years of the Vietnam War protests, when “love it or leave it” was a common phrase. He probably learned early on that if someone punches you, you punch them right back.

Many people wish that President Trump would not tweet. He does use his tweets to insult all too frequently, but he usually insults only those who have insulted him. He did come up with an insult that I’d never heard before. He suggested that those people were “why they put instructions on the shampoo bottle.”  You’ll have to admit that’s a pretty good one. It makes me laugh.

Clearly numbers of people out there suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” Some Democrats are absolutely intent on Impeaching the President. The problem is what for? You don’t get to impeach a president because you don’t like his tweets. That’s silly. You are not required to like a president either. We elect a president to do a good job with the country and the economy, and you would have to be among the “shampoo instructions” bunch to fail to recognize a booming economy, with the lowest rates of unemployment for blacks in history.  The fewest people on food stamps. Rep. Al Green (D-TX) introduced articles of impeachment apparently because he thinks President Trump “unfit” for office, six million new jobs for our economy since he was elected seems a pretty fair denial of that claim.

Democrats usually depend on buying votes to get elected. That is, they offer to have the taxpayers give people something “for free” like Medicare for all, which often works because the majority of the people do not recognize the simple fact that the federal government has no money of its own. Anything the federal government offers as a new benefit has to be paid for by raising taxes. Feelings of pride and self-worth do not come from being given another handout, but from being able to take care of yourself and your family with the work you do. The low unemployment and lack of need for food stamps or welfare, may have a lot of America’s black citizens feeling more kindly towards President Trump. Democrats may be fearful of losing some of the black vote, which may explain a lot. Certainly you won’t hear promises from Democrat candidates of keeping the booming economy going. Instead they can’t wait to raise taxes.

ADDENDUM: I have erred. The source of the insult that has so amused me may not be President Trump but Louisiana Republican Senator John Kennedy appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News. Still really funny!