American Elephants

Anything but the issues! by American Elephant

According to the most recent Rasmussen poll, the issues Americans care most about are: the economy, health care, government corruption, taxes, energy, education, social security, immigration, national security, and the war in Afghanistan.

So what do Obama and the Democrat/Media complex have us talking about?

Free contraception for Harvard Law School students, government funding of abortions and a phony “War on Women”, ostensibly waged by Republicans for refusing to subsidize Democrats’ sex-lives. They’re talking about dog carriers, car-elevators, Ann Romney’s clothes, Julia’s American Dream of lifelong government-dependency, gay marriage, and now a Washington Post hit-piece essentially calling Romney a gay-basher. (A ridiculous story that’s already falling apart).

It’s only natural that Obama would try to distract; his presidency has been an abject failure. Those issues about which Americans care most are the very same issues where Obama’s policies have done the most harm.

Real unemployment is in the double-digits. Far from hope, Obama has delivered despair as millions upon millions of Americans have given up even looking for a job. The labor force participation rate is the lowest it’s been in 30 years.  As anyone who goes to the supermarket can tell you, real inflation is much higher than what the government is reporting. And that’s just grazing the surface of the first issue. I could write volumes about the failures and corruption of Obama and his administration, but you know them as well as I.

And while predictable, it’s no less unconscionably corrupt that the media would so blatantly run interference for the administration — indeed, seeming to take their plays directly from the Obama campaign.

That’s where we come in. Something new is happening. Taking their cue from the fearless champion of the underdog, Andrew Breitbart, citizens and (some) politicians alike are standing up to the Democrat/Media Complex and calling bullshit! We saw it in the debates, when the audience had had it with trivial distractions, and started booing the media moderators. Newt, and then other candidates, latched on to this and began — hallelujah — rejecting the moderator’s false premises and calling out their partisan tactics.

And so it goes, today, as I rattle this off, conservatives across blogs and social media are calling bullshit. We aren’t going to allow the media’s in-kind contributions to the Obama campaign, the interference, the activism. We’ll make them the story. We’ll call them out, publicly mock, ridicule and eviscerate them for their hackery, and destroy what little credibility, and audience, they have left. And we’ll ridicule the Obama campaign for even attempting to fool us twice.

It was in this spirit that I whipped up the new Obama campaign slogan above. I think it hits the nail right on the head. If you agree, please take it, like it, post it, spread it far and wide. Mockery is a very effective tool — one of Saul Alinsky’s favorites. And it warms the cockles of my cold, dead, conservative heart to use the left’s own tactics against them.


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