American Elephants

They Came, They Marched — A Useless Event. by The Elephant's Child

There is nothing that the”Greenies” could do that demonstrates so effectively the absolute bankruptcy of their cause, than the big Climate March Sunday. The celebrities arrive on their private jets, and attract the appropriate media attention. Leo DiCaprio, departing from his rented billionaire’s yacht arrived to march behind the signs deploring capitalism and consumerism.

He got a big caregal-green8-jpger boost with a Vanity Fair cover purporting to save polar bears from global warming back in 2007. DiCaprio was photographed in Iceland, and a shot of  the adorable polar bear cub ‘Knut’, born in captivity in the Berlin Zoo, was stripped in. It was the “Green Issue.” and loads of free publicity for DiCaprio.

Well, Knut died young in Berlin.  Polar bears turned out not only not to be endangered, but to be dramatically increasing in numbers and to have managed the slight warming and cooling of the climate with no problem at all. Having been publicized as an environmental activist, DiCaprio has to turn up for marches.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was busted in 1984 for  heroin possession, and sentenced to 800 hours of community service, which he worked off by volunteering at the Hudson River Foundation, which introduced him to the possibilities of environmentalism. He copyrighted the name Waterkeeper, and collected funds from the many environmental groups with “keeper” as part of their name.

He collected an array of trial lawyer firms who had experience in lawsuits against tobacco companies, to sue giant pork producers and processors. Each of the law firms committed itself to an initial ‘ante’ of $50,000 to work with Kennedy. The idea was to monitor cases where even the tiniest amount of material from pork producers or processors might contaminate a river, stream, lake , bay or coastline. Kennedy would use his celebrity status to publicize these cases and alleged risks to human health. He estimated the potential “damages” that could be collected from the pork industry at somewhere between 9 and 13 billion dollars, a large portion of which the trial lawyers would rake off for themselves.

They have also gone after Bayer pharmaceuticals for the purported downstream impact of its livestock antibiotic Baytril. They allege that residues of the prescription drug pass through animals and into rivers and groundwater. They only need to find a sympathetic judge and jury. Riverkeeper says:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s reputation as a resolute defender of the environment stems from a litany of successful legal actions. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The group’s achievement helped spawn over 185 Waterkeeper organizations across the globe.

The marchers were opposed to “fracking,” the Keystone XL pipeline, carbon dioxide, fossil fuels of any kind, the rise of the oceans, global warming,  and extreme weather. They inexplicably favored Socialism as the answer c762259a-437c-4fc9-9cf2-85cbd1b690d5-460x276— but China doesn’t seem to have found an answer yet. Even more, their arguments are failing, one after another.

The National Science Foundation has just given ‘Fracking” a clean bill of health.  The extent of ice in the Antarctic keeps setting new all-time records, one after another. “Extinct species” turn out not to be extinct after all. Carbon dioxide is a natural fertilizer for plants and helps them to grow and survive drought. The amount of CO² in the atmosphere keeps growing, but the planet hasn’t warmed in the slightest for nearly 18 years. (But the children!) The ocean is rising in millimeters, not inches or feet.

The alarmist cause has meant that a dusty corner of science —climatology— has moved to center stage in the western world with grants and investment in labs, and climate meetings in some of the world’s nicest resorts, fame and recognition. There are enormous fortunes being made on the issue of climate alarmism. Aside from such notable cases as Al Gore and Tom Steyer, look at the money made from renewable energy, from ethanol, from biofuels — because politicians afraid of not supporting environmentalism — spend billions to fix things and the politically connected line up for government largesse. (But consensus!)

Add in electric cars, wind farms that have just received a free 30-year pass from the federal government for killing endangered eagles. Some are afraid they may make the species extinct. Wind produces electricity only when the wind blows at the right speed, which is not anywhere near constantly. A wind turbine must have 24/7 backup from a conventional power plant for all the times the wind isn’t blowing at the right speed. Turbines and wind die down in the winter. Solar arrays produce energy only when the sun is shining. (Clouds, night) And also require 24/7 backup from a conventional power plant. (But 97%)

It was all — just embarrassing.

The chants echoed through the skyscraper canyons, the drums rolled, participants were caught up in a sense of unity and togetherness that some of them had never known. It was almost like politics, almost like the epochal marches that have toppled governments and changed history ever since the Paris mob stormed the Bastille.

Almost. Except street marches today are to real politics what street mime is to Shakespeare. This was an ersatz event: no laws will change, no political balance will tip, no UN delegate will have a change of heart. The world will roll on as if this march had never happened.

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