American Elephants

The Democrats’ Distaste for Human Nature by The Elephant's Child

Republicans, at least some of us, spend far too much time trying to figure out Democrats. We just don’t understand why they believe the things they do, when it is so obvious….
That’s how politics works. Democrats, I often call “the perpetually discontented”. They just don’t like much of anything the way it is, and want to fix it, or at least change it.  The problem is human nature. They don’t like that either.

Their distaste for human nature as it is, is clear enough. Democrats are sure that peace is the natural state of affairs, and war is an ugly outbreak that should not be permitted. We agree that war is an ugly outbreak, and think peace is much to be desired, but we don’t believe that reminding terrorists that peace is to be preferred accomplishes much. Republicans’ most basic acknowledgment is that a people who can’t always get along with members of their own families, are probably by nature fractious, and nations will have a hard time getting along as well as families.

This is why we have political correctness, and multiculturalism and controls on free speech on campus. I could go on and on, but they are trying desperately to control by regulation, law, and societal disapproval all those tendencies that they dislike so much in human nature. No more Polish jokes, you may not call Islamists Islamist. Can’t we all just get along? And if you are not cooperating, we will have a new regulation to be sure that you do. Or perhaps we’ll send a SWAT team, and confiscate your stuff, and issue huge fines to be sure you understand that you and  your actions have been condemned. No messy human nature allowed.

Polish jokes were once just thought funny, along with Irish jokes and British jokes and Russian jokes and jokes about feminists and jocks. We didn’t lose our sense of humor, we got political correctness and being called down to human resources and possibly even sentenced to ‘sensitivity’ training.  We were told it was just to be “nice,” but that isn’t true at all.

Human nature is messy. We’re nice, and we’re not. We are mean, quarrelsome, insensitive, rude, violent, stupid, ill-informed, crooked, stuck-up, vicious, lazy, honest, hard-working, and liars. If you just try to make a list of some of the qualities, good or bad, of human nature, it is astonishing how many words there are to describe the various attributes of us. Democrats will continue to try to fix us to their satisfaction. A futile task.

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