American Elephants

The History is Clear, Says Jay Carney; The Republicans Cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline by The Elephant's Child

I just wrote a whole post on how the Democrats consistently attempt to redefine problems away.  The American people have been justifiably angered at President Obama’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline and the 20,000 jobs that the project would offer, beginning almost immediately. And the guesstimated 250,000 spinoff jobs along the pipeline route for restaurants, stores, truckers, that  the pipeline would generate as the pipeline stretched down from Canada to the refineries in Texas and Oklahoma are a tremendous loss to a country where the unemployment rate has gone back up to 9% according to Gallup.

Today’s redefiner is the hapless Jay Carney, press secretary.

“In terms of Keystone, as you all know, the history here is pretty clear. And the fact is because Republicans decided to play politics with Keystone, their action essentially forced the administration to deny the permit process because they insisted on a time frame in which it was impossible to completely approve the pipeline,” Carney said when asked about the pipeline by ABC News’ Jake Tapper.

Later in the briefing, Carney says it is the Republicans’ fault.

Jake Tapper: “How can you say that you have an all the above on approach if the President turned down the Keystone pipeline? And you blame the Republicans for making it political.”

Carney: “But the President didn’t turn down the Keystone pipeline. There was a process in place, with long precedent, run out of the State Department because of the issue of the pipeline crossing an international boundary, that required an amount of time for proper for review after an alternate route was deemed necessary through Nebraska at the request of the Republican Governor of Nebraska and other stakeholders in Nebraska and the region that needed to play out, to be done appropriately. You can’t review and approve a pipeline, the route for which doesn’t even exist.

“The Republicans were the ones who unfortunately decided because they were looking for scalps, I guess, or wins in a situation where they somehow found themselves on the wrong side of cutting taxes for 160 million Americans last December.”

After three years, we know that nothing is ever Obama’s fault. Bush left him a mess, and they just didn’t understand how deep the recession was. If they had known, then Obama wouldn’t have been comparing it to the Great Depression— Oh wait…

There was a process in place, with long precedent, run out of the State Department, that had all of the necessary approvals and a green light from every agency with any involvement, and all those pipelines already running through the aquifer with a long history of safety were all fine and the State Department was ready to go ahead until Big Green suggested that their campaign funding might not be available if the pipeline went through.

This administration really does have great contempt for the American people. We’re not just “bitter clingers” but stupid enough to believe anything the administration says.

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After three years, we know that nothing is ever Obama’s fault. Bush left him a mess, and they just didn’t understand how deep the recession was. If they had known, then Obama wouldn’t have been comparing it to the Great Depression— Oh wait…

That’s always how it goes with this guy.

I wonder when he’ll say that it took 8 years to get us in this hole, it’s gonna take 8 to get us out.


Comment by pino

I despise Jay Carney!! when is someone from the WH press corp going to ask liberal hack Carney “Why does the President blame the GOP House republicans for being obstructionist, when Harry Reid refuses to hold a vote on any and every GOP house passed bills??


Comment by Douglas Allen (@SeattleSports64)

[…] denied permission to the pipeline last year, catering to his environmental supporters demands, and rousing the ire of most Americans and the Canadian government. The original application was made in […]


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