American Elephants

How Interested Are You In The Climate? by The Elephant's Child

I know that many of you are interested in matters climate, but I don’t know just how interested. If you are willing to do some reading, go to

There are all sorts of interesting articles, particularly those relating to the NIPCC, (the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change) in contrast to the U.N’s IPCC.

This organization began with an informal meeting in Milan, Italy in 2003. by Fred S. Singer PhD and SEPP to propose independent evaluation. They said Our sole goal in presenting this information is to enable fellow scientists, elected officials, educators, and the general public to make up their own minds about what the science says, to understand climate change rather than simply believe in it.

7 chapters begin with list of key findings that contradict those of the IPCC. Findings are discussed in detail, using in depth reviews and analysis of thousands of scientific papers.

Climatology as a field is young, and new discoveries are being made seemingly every day that reveal how little we know about how the climate works. An expert in one field may not understand or follow the latest developments in another field and depend on an organization like the IPCC to report accurately and truthfully on the overall picture of the human impact on climate. One important finding from our work is that the IPCC has abused that trust and misled countless scientists and policy makers.

That’s from “the-week-that-was”. Tantalizing, isn’t it?

You can sign up to receive their weekly newsletter on a weekend. I always enjoy it, although I’m not a scientist, but an English major who likes to read.

Kinda puts AOC and her pronouncements about approaching doom and “the Green New Deal” in proper perspective, as well as a few presidential wannabes.

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