American Elephants

More Than One Hundred Thousand Illegal Migrants a Month! by The Elephant's Child
December 23, 2021, 12:27 am
Filed under: Politics | Tags: , ,

Texas is building their own border wall, with some major justification! Border Patrol agents have apprehended more than one million migrants who have illegally crossed into the five Texas-based sectors of the border during the ten full months since Joe Biden was inaugurated, and climbing daily. That works out to around more than 100.000 migrants a month who are apprehended, and a 375 percent increase over the same period last year.

In May, Governor Greg Abbot declared the Border counties to be a disaster area due to the surge of illegals, and the following month they started building their own border wall and arresting migrants on state crimes that they committed after crossing. States with no border problems have a hard time appreciating the problems the border states face. Texas and Arizona get the brunt of it.

Joe Biden has apparently dropped his intent to pay something like $450,000 in “reparations” to illegal border crossers. He seems to have believed that the nasty border patrol was taking little children away from their parents. while in actuality the children did not belong to the people who posed as their parents, but were unrelated and believed to be illegally to be sold into the sex trade. The Border Patrol officers are also family men with wives and children, doing a difficult and dangerous job. Those of us who do not live in border states have trouble appreciating the problems. Here in Washington State, the Canadians don’t invade, and we have to worry more about illegal “murder hornets” but State entomologists are doing a good job with that.

If one wants to come to the United States and live and work here and eventually become a citizen, there is a clear and simple way to do so. You apply at the nearest American consulate or embassy, and wait your turn. It may take a while, but doing it legally does pay off in the long run. You get welcomed instead of being chased and apprehended, which would probably be nicer.

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