American Elephants

The Squirrels Have Just Returned. Saw the first one today. They don’t look as fat as this one! by The Elephant's Child
January 15, 2022, 9:05 pm
Filed under: Politics

My squirrels are back from wherever they go to hibernate for the winter. They disappear long before there is any snowfall, but rather I guess, when food supplies get short. I have no idea whether they hibernate, move south, or what. I’ll have to look that up. But today they are back. There were no visible squirrels yesterday. I’ll put out some squirrel food!

It is January 15th, and they are back. Groundhog Day, more celebrated, though I ‘m not even sure I know what a groundhog is, isn’t until next month, and why they get their own special day, I have no idea. Obviously my knowledge of local wildlife is somewhat lacking. At home in Idaho, I was far more familiar with local wildlife, and we had a lot more of it. We had a crabapple tree that the bears loved, You could frequently hear a cougar scream off in the mountains. Deer were always plentiful and attracted to the front lawn. Had some trouble with a lynx that was after my dog, but I shot it one night, Must have gotten it, for it never came back.

ADDENDUM: I checked. Squirrels, according to what I could find, spend much of the summer creating a major nest for themselves in a hollow tree, or whatever good location they can find, lining it with leaves, bits of moss, soft leaves, that sort of thing, and then sleep a lot during the winter. In areas like Seattle where snow is infrequent, that seems probable. What they do in areas where there is heavy snow, I guess is simply deeper hibernation. Will check further.

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