American Elephants

The Headlines of the Day! by The Elephant's Child
February 11, 2022, 3:44 pm
Filed under: Politics

Not always pleasant to arise to the headlines of the day. “Consumer Prices Explode 7.5% Higher, Worst Inflation in 40 Years. The worst annual inflation since 1982

How’s That for a scary line? It’s one thing to read it in the news, but quite another to be confronted with at the grocery store.

Inflation only began to accelerate last March after years of coming in below the Fed’s two percent target. The Fed had decided to keep interest rates low although the economy was recovering at a faster than expected rate. What’s more, the Biden administration pushed through billions of dollars of deficit spending in the American Rescue Plan. These combined to fuel demand for goods and services faster than supplies could expand, pushing up prices.

Official explanations don’t help much when you are paying your bill at the check-out stand. Around six to ten Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency with “most saying there is literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of.” Ouch! The most recent survey covers from March 2021 to February 2022, and Biden’s disapproval rating has risen by 17 percentage points. At present, 41 percent of Americans strongly disapprove compared to only 41 percent who approve.

Then we have the trucker convoys at the border protesting “mandates.” It was assumed at first that they were protesting having to be vaccinated, but most are already vaccinated, It’s the Mandate part they are protesting. Our Declaration says “governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed”, and the Canadians have similar expectations. Laws against murder and theft, that sort of thing, but there’s nothing there about the government telling them how they may feel and protest. as long as they are not out creating mayhem. The oft quoted line “May you live in interesting times” is not an ancient Chinese curse, but an ordinary Western one, with some justification.

Joe Biden has been in government for a very long time. One would think he had learned more about the relationship between the American people and their government than he apparently has. I don’t think the American people are inclined to welcome the influx of illegal immigrants from Central America and elsewhere that president Biden has invited in, but expect them to apply legally and wait their turn. It is not a matter of dislike or disapproval of immigrants, but of legality. Not sure why Joe Biden has invited the population of Afghanistan in after the mess we made of that, but he did. Many of those are still housed at military camps here, and creating problems at those camps. They apparently have very different ideas about sex with small children than we do. They will be taking those ideas to the communities where they are placed, and good luck with that.

Inflation is another matter, and hits the people directly in the pocketbook. And they are noticing. Joe Biden has been in politics for 49 years, but apparently not learning much about either governing or the American people.

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