American Elephants

Wondering About Inflation? Here’s Why! by The Elephant's Child
April 14, 2022, 5:06 pm
Filed under: Politics

Producer Prices Surge 11.2% in March on Higher Energy Costs” read the headline at Breitbart. So much for blaming it all on Putin! Why are energy prices higher? Well, because President Biden shut down the XL Pipeline, because he has the illusion that a slightly increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing “climate change”.

Carbon Dioxide, CO2, is Mother Nature’s plant food. Nurseries pump extra CO2 into their greenhouses to make their plants grow taller and stronger. CO2 is not a poison in the atmosphere, but plant food. Australia has written up their bountiful crops this year for the world press. Even Afghanistan, in the midst of a war, had extra bountiful crops. Some nations, like China, are always concerned with how they can feed their massive population.

But if crops are better, more food, shouldn’t it be cheaper? Why is that causing inflation? The fertilizer for the crops has to be transported to the farmer, and the food has to be transported to the market. If you eliminate several sources of gasoline, it becomes a little scarcer and more expensive at the pump. Those jokey stickers of Joe Biden saying “I did that” are funny, but unfortunately, also true. He was not intending to raise prices, but that’s how it works.

The Associated Press article read “the surging cost of energy pushed wholesale prices up a record 11.2% from a year ago in March, the biggest gain on record. So don’t go blaming Putin, President Biden. Don’t Like Putin, but this one is not his fault.

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See, I can believe them when they say the “Putin Price Hike”.

This would be their admission that a man on another continent would have more of an effect on the U.S. economy than the Delaware Dimwit, his ditzy VP, or anyone else in this administration.

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Comment by Lon Mead

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