American Elephants

Information and “Disinformation” by The Elephant's Child
April 29, 2022, 8:26 pm
Filed under: Politics

The word of the day, or perhaps the week, month, year…is “Disinformation! “. We don’t say anything so crude as “you’re lying!” — we have “Disinformation Governance Boards”. J.J. Sefton sums it up nicely at Ace of Spades.

The Hill reports that Joe Biden is considering student debt relief starting at $10,000 per borrower

Yahoo says 400.000 now qualify for student loan debt cancellation. Another headline says House Democrats propose forgiving up to $50,000 per student. Note the language here. “Forgiving”. Four years of room and board and classroom instruction, use of facilities, instruction from professors who earned doctorates in their subjects so they could one day teach. Just dump it all on the taxpayers? For parents it is just paying for four years, for taxpayers, who may have just paid for their own kids, it’s forever!

We need a little attention to language here. The government will pay for it means simply that the Congress will raise your taxes so that you can pay for it, whatever it is. “The Government” has no money of it’s own, it all comes out of your pocket. When Congress is handing out benefits, they come out of your bank account.

I’m beginning to think that we need guidebooks to sit on every government officials desk, to explain Inflation, what causes it and why, National Debt and why it matters, that sort of thing. We all have differing opinions about these things, but there are basic understandings and rules and lessons, and we’d be way better off if they were well understood. Senate Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has pressed for forgiving $50,000 per borrower!

Forgiving? The debt is owed to the colleges, for four years of room and board, tuition, classroom instruction, highly educated professors, classrooms, libraries, dormitories and so on and on. It is not just about “cancelling” a debt. And you are suggesting that those who have saved for years to put their kids through, now have to pony up and pay higher taxes for years to pay for everybody else’s kids? Of course you are. .

The basic idea should be to help parents and students and colleges receive good education for students, help for parents who are trying to do the their best for their kids, help for kids who don’t have the help of parents, rewards for fine instruction from professors. We do want an educated populace.

And we do want people to read more and be more informed. There’s always the hope that a better informed public won’t let the federal government get away with spending that we cannot afford. As I keep saying, the federal government has no money of it’s own. It all comes out of your pocketbook.

I’m not trying to be a crank here, I just have a strong belief that we should talk straight so nobody is confused about what is actually happening in our world.

ADDENDUM: We seem to have some trouble with the basic idea of “free speech”. You can say what you damn well please, and if you cross the lines with slander or lies, you may have to answer for the damage you do if any, but you get to say what you damn well please. No “Disinformation Governance Boards”. Unconstitutional.

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