American Elephants

Do Get a Small Copy of the U.S. Constitution for your Desk Drawer, and Refer to It! by The Elephant's Child
May 27, 2022, 9:42 pm
Filed under: Politics

We Americans like to think of ourselves as nice, compassionate people. We care. But a lot of policies intended to be “compassionate” just don’t work. Illegal aliens often plead for “asylum”, but we do define “asylum” and it does not include the part where they just hope that they can make more money if they can just cross the border and get a job. So the “asylum” part that most are hoping for simply does not work because they are not escaping anything beyond low pay or little opportunity that might justify some kind of asylum, Sorry. If your country is haywire, work at fixing it.

“More than 99 percent of illegal aliens enlisted in President Joe Biden’s “Dedicated Dockets” program in Los Angeles, California, are found to have invalid claims for asylum and are subsequently ordered deported.” that’s from Breitbart.

The point I’m trying to make is that we get hung up in the trying to be nice department rather than the trying what works department, which may be normal assuming that we like to think well of ourselves, which is obviously true. So I’m very much in favor of insisting that foreigners who want to come to the United States simply follow the rules. Apply at the nearest consulate or embassy, wait your turn. Follow the rules. May take a little longer, but you won’t get immediately booted out. I’m very unclear as to why Joe Biden is so anxious to import so many illegals, and why he has brought scads of refugees from Afghanistan, for example. Apparently ready to welcome Ukrainian refugees in the wake of the most recent conflict. The Afghan refugees present a special problem. Their religious beliefs are totally accepting of very young girls (8 yrs) being turned over to old men for their sexual gratification. The Afghan refugees are already creating problems at the military camps in this country where they have been temporarily lodged, in that very line.

Some assume that President Biden is attempting to change Congressional demographics, getting more representatives for favored Democrat states, by increasing the number of citizens to be represented and thus more representatives. I have no idea. I welcome new immigrants from other countries, but I do want them to do it the legal way.

President Biden is still after his “Disinformation Board” which I believe is clearly illegal under the First Amendment to the Constitution. Freedom of speech trumps “I don’t like what he said” every time. I know it’s hard to have people saying nasty things about you or even unpleasant ones, but freedom of speech is a pretty valuable idea in the U.S. Constitution.

ADDENDUM: Scroll down a ways for further commentary on President Biden and his Disinformation Board.

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