American Elephants

80 Year Old Joe Biden Took a Spill off his Bike! by The Elephant's Child
June 18, 2022, 5:07 pm
Filed under: Politics

The big news of the day seems to be that Joe Biden went on a bike ride from his home in Delaware, and fell off his bike. He apparently was completely unhurt, but when the President of the United States falls off a bike, it is a big deal, especially when he’s i his 80’s. President Biden’s approval ratings are deep in the tank, so questions about his successor arise. Especially with the imminent recession and apparently imminent food shortages to go along with the unnecessarily outrageous price of gasoline. His Vice President, Kamala Harris, is not popular. She was apparently originally selected because she was of Black heritage, but I don’t know that anybody actually noticed that, or cared about that.

So of course, Hillary was questioned about her future plans, and she sort-of said that he had no plans to run again, which astonished everyone. So if you eliminate Hillary and Kamala, who will be the Democrat successor to Joe Biden? No idea.

Democrats are deeply worried about that, and working hard at trying to turn the demonstration on January 6 into some kind of criminal violation of the sacred Capitol Building by a violent mob, gut that’s hard going because it clearly wasn’t any such thing. And besides, in spite of Democrat efforts to make the whole thing some sort of violent crime, there’s film of the whole “invasion” of protesters being peacefully invited in by Capitol Police, and wandering around the Capitol Building , obeying the red velvet ropes and looking at the historic pictures on the walls It’s a little difficult to turn that into a “violent riot” but until they can come up with something more believable, that’s what they are stuck with.

So with Hillary out of the picture, who is the Democrat successor? Interesting question.

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