American Elephants

Where Would You Like to Live? by The Elephant's Child
May 26, 2023, 9:40 pm
Filed under: Politics

Are you happy where you are? Would you rather live somewhere else? Do you plan to move when you retire? I’m just curious. There are lots of reasons why we live somewhere other than where we really want to live. Sometimes it’s career, Corporate relocations, sometimes where you went to school, or where your spouse grew up or where they want to live. Really lots of reasons. And why do you want to live somewhere else? We don’t always get to choose. I married a man who worked for a corporation that moved him frequently. I really, really do not like moving, and especially moving to a city that is not my choice!

I was born and grew up in the mountains of Idaho, and that will always be “home.” I have lived in Portland, Oregon, Walla Walla. WA, Payette, Idaho, San Francisco CA,, Belmont CA, Palo Alto, CA, Concord CA, Phoenix, Arizona and Bellevue, WA, and I think I’m leaving some out! As I said, I really really don’t like moving. I have friends who have never moved after they married, and others who have moved all over the country.

I have no idea how most people feel about moving. Is it the move you hate, the new town and new house? I’m pretty sure I know how those moved by the corporations who employ them feel — Been there done that. But places change too. States and cities change as their management changes and their employment opportunities change. I have friends who purchased a “weekend” place on an island that they loved, expecting it to be their retirement home, which it now is, years later. Others moved to be close to their children or close to their favorite ski slopes. I have no idea if this is a situation in other countries, or if people mostly stay put for generations. Never seen much written about that question either.

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