American Elephants

Defense Is Not a Priority: We Need the Money to Waste on Useless Programs. by The Elephant's Child


Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) has made it quite clear that he no longer views defense as a priority. Seems particularly appropriate when all the U.S. embassies in the Middle East are shut down as a precaution against terrorist attacks. It seems that Obama’s claims about al Qaeda being dead were a little on the optimistic side. Also in the news is the start of the trial of Major Hasan for the massacre at Fort Hood. The Middle East is, in general, aflame. The failure to get a status of forces agreement with Iraq has left that nation troubled, the Arab Spring was a overoptimistic pipe dream, releasing top Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo as a goodwill gesture to the Taliban, does not promise more peace in Afghanistan.

“We are not going to be gamed by having the military programs funded at a much higher level than Head Start  program, or the National Institute of Health. We’re not going to do that. We’re through. Head Start has been proven in study after study, including the Obama Administration’s own report, that Head Start had little to no effect on the other socio-emotional health, or parenting outcomes of children participating in the program. It simply doesn’t work,  Head Start has cost the taxpayers over $100 billion since its inception in 1994, with no significant results to show for all the money.

Democrats fall in love with their own programs. Doesn’t matter if they work. If they don’t work, they just need more money, because everything works if you just throw enough money at it, doesn’t it?

Military readiness is essential for our national security. The Harry Reids of the world always think that we don’t need to worry about national security — until we do. We were desperately unready for World War II for months after we were fully in it. We had a big “peace dividend”after the war, no more wars until Korea 5 years later, and we were completely unready for that. Americans always think the last war is the last one, but it never is.

And it’s always someone like Harry Reid who is responsible for all the young men who die because we were unprepared. Democrats want more money to spend giving people entitlements instead of the jobs they want and the hope they need. Social Justice— that shining goal for the Left — always remains just out of reach. You can’t make people equal, and I’m not so sure people want to be equal. Spend, spend, spend and first thing you know, there isn’t any more money at all, and there isn’t any security, and it’s too late to realize we needed it all along.