American Elephants

Jordan Peterson Asks A Serious Question, Stumps Maher’s Panel by The Elephant's Child

Jordan Peterson appeared on a panel on Bill Maher’s show. The panel did not distinguish themselves, unable to respond, even at a childish level, to a serious question. Maher is supposedly a comedian, but comedians are supposed to be funny. Dr. Peterson is absolutely correct. Democrats’ obnoxious behavior is driving the country apart. Maher’s characterizations of President Trump are not snarky, but wildly absurd, crude, ill-informed, and meant to draw a laugh from the “can you top this” insult crowd.

The panel consists of a journalist from the New York Times, an unidentified woman, Michael Avenatti, whose claim to fame is being Stormy Daniels lawyer, and who has offered to run for the presidency against Donald Trump, and (sigh) Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, who wants desperately to be president (in spite of being the worst governor in memory) striving to show off his admirable qualifications to Democrats.

Inslee thinks Net Neutrality is about denying people access to the internet, is sure that the earth must be saved from the ravages of global warming with his cherished carbon tax, and is big on forcing employers to give their employees family leave whenever they want it. Washington State is following other Leftist-run states in increasing numbers of people and businesses fleeing the state. Fortunately the legislature managed to kill the head tax on employees idea for business, after they heard from Amazon and Microsoft.

The interesting thing is that no member of the panel manages to even attempt to answer Dr. Peterson’s serious question, and it’s fairly clear that they don’t even understand what he is asking. I am always struck by Maher’s resemblance to a Blob Fish. (Look it up)