American Elephants

A Joke in Search of a Punchline… by American Elephant
May 23, 2012, 8:02 pm
Filed under: Election 2012, Humor, Politics, Progressivism | Tags: , , ,

I decided it’d be brilliant to mock Obama’s incessant use of straw men in the form of a campaign ad; unfortunately the brilliant punchline escapes me. So, I turn to our brilliant readers.

Ideally, I’d love to mock an actual Obama quote, campaign slogan, or soundbite — like this one — but it doesn’t have to; blurt out whatever comes to mind! It’s a brainstorm, not a test.

The best caption will win absolutely nothing of course — except credit, thanks, and a tiny modicum of eternal glory!

Have at it in the comments!…

Addendum: Someone on Twitter asked me what I meant by ‘straw men’.  Good question! A ‘straw man’ is a type of fallacious argument that Obama uses very frequently. A ‘straw man’ argument  misrepresents or outright lies about  an opponent’s position (setting up the straw man), so that the person (Obama in this case) can easily knock it down. (Here’s the Wiki explanation).

Example: “My opponents want to make the poor and needy fend for themselves, but I think we can do better! My plan would make it possible for everyone to get affordable health care.” Obama sets up his straw man (a blatant lie about the Republican position), so that he can knock the straw man down. He does it virtually every day.

My only thoughts for captions so far were: “My opponents say…” (with Obama’s signature and the two pictured straw men). Or simply: ‘Setting ’em up & knocking ’em down”.

Hope that helps!