American Elephants

Want to Cross the Border? DHS Has Published Instructions for How to Apply for Asylum.. by The Elephant's Child

The trip for an illegal immigrant crossing the Mexican border is often grueling, dangerous an even deadly. Ruthless “coyotes” who escort illegals across the desert or through wilderness routes profit from the trip and care little about those whom they are herding north. Our immigration laws the object of passionate battles in Congress. We have, it is often asserted, perfectly good immigration laws — the problem is that they are not being enforced. We theoretically have somewhere around 11,000,000 illegal immigrants currently in the country. Democrats want to give them amnesty, for they expect future Democrat voters.

Our laws are not being enforced and not being obeyed. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement service is suing the Homeland Security Department and  officials because they are not allowed to do their jobs. Ranchers on our southern border are under siege. We have  something  like 20 million unemployed and Democrats believe that giving work permits and amnesty to the eleven million currently here  is a good idea, and now we learn that Homeland Security has posted clear guidelines on the Internet for an easier way to gain entrance to the United States. You simply step right up to a border crossing and tell official there that you have a “credible fear” of persecution or torture from drug gangs, and you may get to enter the country while you await a hearing before an immigration judge, a process that could take years. Works for about 200 people a week at the Otay crossing near San Diego.

Add this to the Lawless File. Our system of government is under attack from the Obama administration. They will obey the laws they like, and make very sure that you do, Enforce the laws that are help them to get what they want, sometimes ruthlessly, and simply ignore the laws they do not like, or waive them, delay implementation, issue an executive order to trump the law, or issue regulations that make the law impossible to enforce.