American Elephants

Lunch. In Photos Uploaded by the Kids Who Hate the Lunches. by The Elephant's Child

I don’t know what inspired Michelle Obama to take charge of the school lunch program in America, or what her qualifications are for that position. The kids have responded by uploading pictures of the  totally disgusting food on offer in their school cafeterias with the hashtag #thanksmichelleobama. “Mystery mush” is featured frequently.  The lunches are a far cry from the lunches the Obama daughters get at tony Sidwell Friends School. Elizabeth Harrington reports in the Free Beacon:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.

The regulation would punish schools and state departments with fines for “egregious or persistent disregard” for the lunch rules that imposed sodium and calorie limits and banned white grains.

A West Virginia preschool teacher was threatened with fines for violating the rules by rewarding her students with candy for good behavior in June 2015. The teacher ultimately did not have to pay, but the school had to develop a “corrective action plan” with training on the policies.

The government now seeks to make fines enforceable by regulation. Section 303 of the law requires that the federal government “establish criteria for the imposition of fines” for all the Department of Agriculture’s child food programs.

More than 1,4 million students have left the lunch line since Mrs. Obama’s rules went into effect. There have been constant complaints of small portions and unappetizing fare. Pictures of the food have been circulating on the internet for several years, and from the pictures, I wouldn’t eat the stuff either. The standards have been blamed for cafeteria workers losing their jobs, and reportedly, some kids have resorted to creating black markets for salt to add some flavor to the food.

The government plans to fine schools that fail to comply with the rules, for egregious and persistent disregard for the lunch rules that imposed sodium and calorie limits, and banned white grains.Section 303 of the law requires that the federal government “establish criteria for the imposition of fines” for all the Department of Agriculture’s child food programs. The agency said the fines would amount to 1 percent of the total amount the school was reimbursed for lunches for the first fine. A second fine would be 5 percent of the total cost of the program and a third fine would be for 10 percent. Alabama received $210,937,195 in 2015. One percent would total $2.1 million and ten percent would be $21 million.

The rule will be open for public comment for 60 days once it is officially published in the Federal Register on Tuesday. The more public comment, the merrier. I presume you comment at the Department of Agriculture, according to the link given:, and on



The Kids Don’t Like Michelle’s Healthy Lunches. by The Elephant's Child

American children have responded to Michelle Obama” healthy lunches by dumping their full trays into the garbage bins. School boards are demanding that the Obama administration relax the standards.

  • 83.7 percent of school districts have seen an increase in plate waste.
  • 81.8 percent had an increase in cost.
  • 76.5percent saw a decrease in participation by students.
  • 75 percent of school leaders want an increase in federal funding for school districts to comply with requirements.
  • 60.3 percent want flexibility for school districts to improve their ability to provide good nutrition, without harm to other operations.

This is National School Lunch Week.  The 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act calls for limits on fat, sugar and salt and a higher use of whole grains and veggies. The administration is quite sure it’s just not presenting them correctly. There are calorie limits for each meal, which I believe are the same for the 7 year-old and the 240 lb. football linebacker in high school. (That doesn’t seem possible).

Schools are urged to invite a legislator to lunch, or members of the press. There are special coloring sheets, word searches, crossword puzzles and more for the students to celebrate National School Lunch Week. Schools can win packets of stickers. There are tee shirts and aprons, posters and balloons and buttons.

Schools are urged to ask members of their staff if they would be interested in dressing up in different sports costumes for lunch. Add sports decorations to lunch lines. Rename some of your menu staples like ‘Touchdown Tacos, Fastball Fruit Salad, or Half-Time Hamburgers. Take pictures of your students enjoying lunchtime. Send them to the SNA Facebook page, but remember to get media release forms signed first. Ask local high school or college athletes to come in uniform to eat lunch with the younger kids.

That should do it.

School_Lunchschool-lunch   The left believes that to accomplish a good purpose, all you have to do is pass a law. They always forget that their prized laws affect real people.



School Lunches







ADDENDUM: Here’s another picture of a school lunch, as prescribed by Michelle Obama’s lunch program. Parents are furious. Some kids have the option of bringing a lunch from home , but many children depend on school lunches.This is pretty meager, unappetizing fare.