American Elephants

CATO Handed Out Report Cards for the Nation’s Governors. by The Elephant's Child

The CATO Institute, a Libertarian think tank, has done a fiscal report card examining the tax and spending decisions made by the nation’s governors since 2016. Five governors were awarded an A in the latest tally. Susana Martinez of New Mexico led the list followed by Henry McMaster of South Carolina, Doug Burgum of North Dakota, Paul LePage of Maine, and Greg Abbott of Texas. Eleven governors earned a B grade, beginning with Ohio’s John Kasich. There were five C’s, 14 D’s and eight flunked. The worst of the worst?  Came in last with only 25 points out of 100 —Our very own Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, who has presidential ambitions, but then so do Michael Avenatti and Elizabeth Warren. Oregon’s Kate Brown was the next worst after Inslee.  You might want to check out the list for your very own governor and see if he or she is running again.