American Elephants

The World’s Aflame Here As Well, But the Natural Kind. by The Elephant's Child

It’s a sunny day with blue skies in the Puget Sound area, and the temperature is a balmy 80°, so naturally our power was out for 4½ hours. No idea why. Cuts back on the blogging.

Big fire on the other side of the mountains. called the Carleton Complex. Started on July 14 from lightning strikes. Currently about 250,000 acres, and 300 homes destroyed. There are 3 other fires in the state, for a total of 287,015 acres. Oregon has 15 fires for a total of 603,393 acres, one big one near Burns. All of the western states have fires burning. The annual average for the past ten years is 45,587 wildfires, for a total burned of 3,948,973 acres.  Thank God wood is a renewable resource.

Warmer weather expected tomorrow, with the weather on the other side of the mountains into the 100°s, which makes fires worse and conditions for fighting them worse. When you grow up, as I did in the foothills of the Rockies, you pay attention to the forest fire statistics. If you are interested you go to the National Interagency Fire Center, or if you want to see pictures, go here.