American Elephants

A Dependable Guide to the Debates in One Sentence by The Elephant's Child

This was only the first of what will be some kind of series of debates. Too many potential candidates, they have to reduce 24 down to one. If last night was typical of what’s to come, that shouldn’t be too hard. The first and most important thing to remember as they tell you the wonders of what they propose to do for you and for the country is:

The federal government has no money of its own.

Everything they have, use, pledge and put on the national credit card comes from the taxes you pay. If they promise a biggie, your taxes are going way up.

Liberals learn at their first introduction to politics and their very first vote, that Republicans are”the Party of the Rich”, and Republicans always give the biggest tax cuts to the Rich who shouldn’t get any tax cuts, because no fair.

Kamala Harris said “On Day One I will repeal those tax cuts.” Oops. She cannot, on her first day, repeal an act of Congress. Other than that, the tax cuts are what has allowed the economy to catch fire, create jobs, open factories, grow businesses, and create and grow prosperity. Democrats do not and can not understand that. It is against all their beliefs. If you recall, Ronald Reagan set off a vast economic boom with tax cuts which lasted long after his presidency.

It looks like they all want to offer “Medicare for All”. Unfortunately the American people have no idea what that means. Fewer than 20% knew that “Medicare for All” meant losing your current health care and that it was to be done by the government. It’s usually called “Socialized Medicine”, and in practice doesn’t work out all that well. If the program is meant to involve all the people, it requires a vast bureaucracy to run it. It means, clearly that your health care will cost far more than it does now, and the Democrats are very anxious to offer health care to illegal aliens, their families, and all the little children wherever they are. Offering free health care to all is just something “nice” to do, and doing “nice” things is what makes Democrats feel good, particularly if its with everybody else’s money.

It’s the government’s money they’ll say, but it’s a  lie. The government has no money of its own. The vast bureaucracy has to be paid, and given office space and housed in the very expensive nation’s capitol.

Medicare does not pay as much as private insurance plans pay. Some doctors will not accept patients on Medicare, because it doesn’t pay as much as ordinary health insurance does. Do you force all physicians to accept what “Medicare for All” offers? There would be major consequences arising from that as well. Kids who want to pursue science know that their long grind to get into the best graduate school, the best medical school, and the best residency do so partly because they know their future earnings will pay the bills.  If you remove the promise for the benefits of the long slog, will you have anyone who wants to go into medicine as a career?

Companies that offer health insurance as a benefit, get the benefit of offering a big bunch of customers all at once, so at almost every step of the way to getting medical treatment is complicated by who pays for what, and who pays the taxes that fund the governmental part. On the other side, what services are offered, and what will cost you extra, and what is excluded is more or less up for grabs. So be a bit of a skeptic, ask a lot of questions and don’t fall for simplistic offers.

ADDENDUM: Headline at the moment at The Federalist:
“Democrat Candidates Agree: Taxpayers Will Cover Health Care For All Who Break Into The United States” tee hee