American Elephants

We Had a Brief Cloudburst, and the Sun is Peeking Through Clouds by The Elephant's Child


We had a brief cloudburst a little while ago, and now the sun is back out. I started wondering about the word “cloudburst,” wondering if it was an ordinary term or a localism. It is indeed an ordinary term, and I found this brief time-lapse video of a cloudburst over a lake in Austria, taken by a well prepared photographer who captured the moment. “Cloudburst” is also a choral work by Eric Whittaker, a movie – apparently about two elderly lesbians, and large numbers of outdoor equipment pieces ranging from jackets and wearing apparel to tents and backpacks. Who knew? If you have a little time to spare, wondering can lead you down all sorts of interesting side roads.

I have experienced many cloudbursts, but the timelapse video is a marvel. Experiencing a cloudburst will never be the same.

If Only Work Were This Fun by American Elephant
March 12, 2009, 3:30 am
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