American Elephants

Another Day, Another Global Warming Lie Debunked by American Elephant

Actually, it was yesterday, but nonetheless — “progressive” warm-mongers hardest hit:

Himalayan glaciers are actually advancing rather than retreating, claims the first major study since a controversial UN report said they would be melted within quarter of a century.

Researchers have discovered that contrary to popular belief half of the ice flows in the Karakoram range of the mountains are actually growing rather than shrinking.

The discovery adds a new twist to the row over whether global warming is causing the world’s highest mountain range to lose its ice cover.

It further challenges claims made in a 2007 report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that the glaciers would be gone by 2035.

Although the head of the panel Dr Rajendra Pachauri later admitted the claim was an error gleaned from unchecked research, he maintained that global warming was melting the glaciers at “a rapid rate”, threatening floods throughout north India.

37 Comments so far
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$100 says you never went to college.


Comment by Ben Hoffman

Cool, thanks! Where do I collect?


Comment by American Elephant

I will bet that the Dumbest Person in America
can see right through this Global Warming Fraud.

It wasn’t too long ago (the 70’s) that the
chicken little’s were screaming Global Cooling.

Only “Smart” Liberal’s can understand things like
this ..Example..Snow storms , Blizzards and deep
freezes are caused by Global Warming.

Where’s Algore ..Hahahahahhhahahhhaaaa


Comment by Ron spins

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Where’s Ben? I want my $100!


Comment by American Elephant

I’ll take a $100 too. That is a month’s payment to Sallie Mae to pay for the college he probably doesn’t think I went to either.


Comment by zeusiswatching

This Ben guy has been littering blogs with insults. You are now part of a special club of people he insults because you don’t agree with him. I hope he visits me too.


Comment by zeusiswatching

[Where’s Ben? I want my $100!]

Glenn Beck University doesn’t count.


Comment by Ben Hoffman

Good ole Ben
I didn’t see the Glenn Beck disclaimer in your
original challenge , I will look again.

I was kind of hoping to share a beer in Seattle with
American Elephant to celebrate his sudden windfall.

Possibly later , thanks


Comment by Ron spins

I don’t even watch/listen to Glenn Beck. But I do want my $100. Shall I set up a pay pal account?


Comment by American Elephant

It seems to be all he’s got @ Zeus.

Funny the way liberals always seem to cheat on their obligations @ Ron (see tax cheats Charles Rangel, John Kerry, Tim Geithner, Tom Daschle, Bill Richardson, Alec Baldwin, etc, etc, etc…)


Comment by American Elephant

Yeah, don’t go to dinner with this guy or he will leave you paying the bill. “I’ll pick up the next one…”


Comment by zeusiswatching

AE, where’s your proof?


Comment by Ben Hoffman

What kind of proof would you like?


Comment by American Elephant

Duh, how about uh, like a degree or something? That’s a document you get upon graduating from college.


Comment by Ben Hoffman

Sure, find a neutral 3rd party that I can trust, and I’ll be happy to show them my personal information.


Comment by American Elephant

You evil charlatan shills: global warming is causing the worsening winter weather due to the polar ice melting, the poles warming, which causes the polar vortex winds to slow, releasing more cold air and moisture into the planet’s mid-continent regions. Read “Now or Never” by Flannery, assuming that you have enough brains left to be capable of reading you sinister pharmaceutically lobotomized nitwits.


Comment by jeb

Gosh, Jeb. I’m sorry if we have challenged your religious beliefs. But the science tells us something different. The polar ice melts in the summer and freezes in the winter as it has done for centuries. Professor Flannery is an enthusiastic promoter of the discredited theory of global warming, but his expertise is in mammalogy and palaeontology rather than in climate science or meteorology. Climate Change is normal. Climate is always changing–warming and cooling. We have been recovering from the Little Ice Age (1300 – 1850) which was a change from the Medieval Warming (900 – 1850) which was the finest weather known to man, and much warmer than today. Before that there was the cold Dark Ages, and before that the Roman Warming, and so on.

Let me suggest some reading: Climate Confusion and The Great Global Warming Blunder by Roy W. Spencer PhD, Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years,by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery, Heaven and Earth: The Missing Scienceby Ian Plimer. You might also find The Deniers
by Lawrence Solomon, Nigel Lawson’s An Appeal to Reason interesting. ClimateGate really put an end to the hype of global warming. The UN’s IPCC has been found to have played politics rather than science, and their claims of melting Himalayan glaciers (which really frightened the Indian people for they are dependent on the water) to be false. This is good news, for India and for the rest of the world. There is no reason for hysteria.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

Roy W. Spencer PhD doesn’t believe in evolution. ‘Nuff said. 🙂


Comment by Ben Hoffman

You don’t know what you are talking about, once again, Ben. Try reading some of Dr. Spencer’s books or scientific papers. His books are wonderful examples of an ability to make a difficult subject clear for the literate citizen. He clearly explains what we know and what we don’t know about climate science. I know you are a devout Liberal, but dropping in on blogs with which you disagree politically to insult people and say stupid things does not endear people to your cause.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

[I know you are a devout Liberal, but dropping in on blogs with which you disagree politically to insult people and say stupid things does not endear people to your cause.]

A scientist who doesn’t believe in evolution is not a real scientist. And if he writes his bogus opinion so that dumb-fucks can understand it, that doesn’t make what he writes any less bogus.


Comment by Ben Hoffman


1. I want my $100
2. You talk to my bloggers or my readers like that again and you will be banned. You are a guest here. Keep a civil tongue in your head or get out.

The only “dumb fucks” are people who have to resort to such language because they cant win in the arena of ideas.

3. The only scientists who are not real scientists are those who are not open to ideas being challenged by new evidence. Which clearly rules you out. You are professing faith, not science.


Comment by American Elephant

I would L O V E to have jeb or Ben debate
here instead of their hit and run Troll
posts , it’s truly sad to see a argument
that not believing in the concept of evolution
is a litmus test for someones standing as a “real”

Ben , jeb the gauntlet has been thrown
…….let’s do this !


Comment by Ron spins

[3. The only scientists who are not real scientists are those who are not open to ideas being challenged by new evidence. Which clearly rules you out. You are professing faith, not science.]

I’m not a climate scientist, but I have studied enough science to recognize the difference between real science and pseudoscience.

Right-wingers put their faith in anyone who supports their ideology, which includes denying anthropomorphic global warming. That’s what you’re told to do, so that’s what you do, just like little sheep.

Why not actually study science instead? Oh, yeah… that takes a little more effort.


Comment by Ben Hoffman

but I have studied enough science to recognize the difference between real science and pseudoscience.

That’s the problem — you obviously can’t. Which is why over and over again, you are having to defend global warming “studies” that have been thoroughly, demonstrably debunked as junk science.


Comment by American Elephant

[you are having to defend global warming “studies” that have been thoroughly, demonstrably debunked as junk science.]

That’s bullshit. The vast majority of scientists agree that human pollution is changing the climate. That’s a fact. Why are you so against doing something to make the world a better place? What do you gain by being against the science?


Comment by Ben Hoffman

Sorry, Ben. You are ill informed. ClimateGate (have you ever heard of that?) meant that the so-called “consensus” lost all credibility.

The scandal showed that the scientists at the CRU at the University of East Anglia were plotting with others in this country to hide, delete and manipulate data. They denigrated scientists presenting differing views in order to force journals to publish only papers that promoted alarm about global warming. They turned “peer review” into review by friends and made the reports of the IPCC no more than alarmist propaganda. It is detailed in A.S.Montford’s The Hockeystick Illusion; Climategate and the Corruption of Science.

The work of the UN’s IPCC has been largely discredited. They were found to be using papers from Greenpeace and ordinary mountaineers rather than the work of scientists. Their claims about African crop yields, the Amazon rainforest, Dutch sea levels, disappearing mountain ice, melting Himalayan glaciers –all wrong.

There is no evidence that mankind is changing the climate in a dangerous way. It was all a pack of lies promulgated by journalists. There were immense sums of money involved. The only accurate weather statistics we have come from the satellites monitored by the UAH. When you spout off, Ben, and don’t know what you are talking about, it is embarrassing.

CO2 is only a minor and beneficial trace gas in the atmosphere. The largest, most important and most extensive “greenhouse gas” is water vapor. We cannot forecast weather for much more than 7 days. The idea of a global climate average may not even be meaningful. How do we measure a global average?


Comment by The Elephant's Child

1. This post is about yet another claim by global warm-monger “scientists” that has been utterly debunked. And

2. No, its not a fact. It’s dishonest propaganda. Actually FAR MORE scientists signed a petition in support of NOT signing the KYOTO protocols than ever supported it.

I’m not against doing something to make the world a better place. But NONE of what global warm-mongers propose will make the world a better place. It has already and will continue to harm the economy in countless ways, causing unemployment, poverty, hunger and suffering, it doesn’t reduce pollution, it actually increases pollution and other economic harm, it wastes billions, gives government FAR too much power over peoples lives, which is what its all about to begin with. Vaclav Klaus, the President of a former Soviet Satellite, the Czech Republic, has said global warming is the new communism. And he should know.

Europe, as we are seeing now, has run out of money to pay for their welfare states. They support KYoto and other such initiatives because they are all aimed at redistributing money to their failed socialist states from the United States.

You have no facts, you have a phony, discredited religion that is nothing more than a facade for a money-grubbing, phony, failed ideology.


Comment by American Elephant

[2. No, its not a fact. It’s dishonest propaganda. Actually FAR MORE scientists signed a petition in support of NOT signing the KYOTO protocols than ever supported it.]

There was an investigation into those so called “scientists.” Many of them were nothing more than high school science teachers.

[Sorry, Ben. You are ill informed. ClimateGate (have you ever heard of that?) meant that the so-called “consensus” lost all credibility.]

Not hardly. The investigations concluded that there was no evidence of scientific malpractice and [the professor in question, Phil] Jones was cleared of any scientific misconduct. Source

[There is no evidence that mankind is changing the climate in a dangerous way. It was all a pack of lies promulgated by journalists. There were immense sums of money involved.]

What money? There’s far more money to be made in denying anthropomorphic climate change than defending it.

If you want to read some facts rather than just right-wing opinions, here’s a good place to start:

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system… There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.

No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion.


Of course, you right-wingers have decided that Wikipedia has a liberal bias since they don’t spin the facts to fit the right-wing narrative.


Comment by Ben Hoffman

Government Grants, Ben. The entire global warming alarmist industry is supported by government grants. Governments have been alarmed by the possibility of global warming and offer large grants to people who can write a good grant proposal to investigate warming. The average grant is somewhere around $150.000 to $200,000. There is NO money in opposing alarmist global warming, scientists who do are either very principled or self supporting. You are simply wrong about your assertion of scientists supporting KYOTO. Many who support global warming theory and are scientists (many are not) have no expertise in climate science. And many will admit that they have never really delved into the science at all, but just accept the general idea. Global warming is where the money is. Universities hire those who can bring in the grant money, and forgive the grant recipients anything.

The CRU at East Anglia was “investigated”by a bunch of bureaucrats who know no science and were appointed to do a whitewash. Jones has lost his reputation, as has Michael Mann, who was “cleared”by the university that hired him. Wikipedia is not a valid source for any information on climate science. Postings by scientists who denied warming were removed as soon as posted by the Wikipedia people. It finally became so blatant that the guy in charge of that sector was removed from that section by Wikipedia management and ordered never to write another word on climate, or climate scientists.

You are a typical troll, Ben. You’re an expert on everything, backed up by nothing more than silly sources like Wikipedia and too lazy to do any real reading. You make broad statements “no scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion,” that completely misrepresent how science works. Science is not determined by “scientific bodies of standing” but by science that can be proved with evidence, and proved again by others. It is always changing and every “fact” must be challenged over and over. The IPCC was founded as a political organization. Go to their website, they say there that they don’t do science. They don’t have any programs and they don’t monitor climate. Take your Wikipedia misinformation and go annoy someone else. Arguing with an ill-informed Troll is useless.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

Sorry to upset you, little sheep. Stay in your sheltered little world where you’re told what to think. Facts be damned.


Comment by Ben Hoffman

Group thinkers we are not.
Fact is the world was changed after the fall.

No one is upset and we are not sheep.
Fact is we are still coming out of a ice age.
Fact is all energy on earth has/is comes from
the sun.
No one tells us what to think and I think
this blog (and the Republican party) has a
pretty big tent.
Think the cap and trade legislation , fines
fees , laws , mandates , bans , etc would or
could control the climate?
It’s all propaganda and President Obama can’t
keep the seas from rising or lowering , it’s
just rhetoric that helped him get elected..
there is the sheep you mentioned ..the Obama
voter ..he told you what to think and you
took it hook , line and sinker.
Many things are happening all are out of our


Comment by Ron spins

A Republican seems more likely to reject
the “Global Warming Religion” because a
Republican is more likely to be a believer
in God (or Christianity) a Democrat seems
more likely to have some other faith , witness
the Obama You Tube video on the above post of
mine where Obama’s speech is like a preachers.

Ben’s cartoon here is almost exactly backwards

Psychological projection only gets them so far

Government is Liberals Religion.


Comment by Ron spins

Ever want to know what liberals faults are, just listen to what they accuse Republicans of. They are the poster children for projection.


Comment by American Elephant

[Ever want to know what liberals faults are, just listen to what they accuse Republicans of. They are the poster children for projection.]

That’s the equivalent of saying “I know you are but what am I?”


Comment by Ben Hoffman

Oh , Ben listen to reason ! LOL


Comment by Ron spins

Yes, thats the only way to deal with ignorant little children, who, by the way, dont even bother to click and read the sources they are given.

You are a religious zealot Ben, not an informed adult.


Comment by American Elephant

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