American Elephants

The Benghazi Hearings. It Matters A Lot. by The Elephant's Child

Like many political junkies, I have been fascinated with the Benghazi hearings today, and with what is being written about the hearings.  Investors said “Testimony by the Benghazi whistle-blowers presents clear evidence of shameful political manipulation of the truth seven weeks before an election and a willingness to let four Americans die to maintain a campaign narrative.” Read the whole thing.

That pretty well sums it up. We had three witnesses testify today. 1). Eric Nordstrom was a regional security officer of the U.S. Mission to Libya from September 2011 to July 2012. 2). Mark Thompson, a former Marine and official with the State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau, who said he was not interviewed by the State Departments Accountability Review Board, testified that he was rebuffed by the Whit House when he asked for a Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) that’s been activated in past threats to diplomats. This is a unit made of special operations personnel, diplomatic security, intelligence and other officers. 3). Greg Hicks, US. Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya that night, who was near tears at times, recounted how a Special Forces team, including one member hobbling with a cast on his leg and a heavy machine gun on his shoulder, was ready to deploy on a Libyan C-130 to Benghazi, only to be forbidden from doing so by U.S. Special Operations Command South Africa.

What we know for sure is that UN Ambassador Susan Rice lied to the UN and to the public, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied to Congress, Vice President Joe Biden lied to reporters, and President Barack Obama lied to the American people. There was no “demonstration” about the video that no one watched.  There was only an organized attack by Ansar al Sharia, an Iranian supported terrorist group allied with al Qaeda.

The Obama administration has done its best to confuse and conceal what actually happened. There are lots of officially unknowns: Why was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi in the first place? And on September 11? The ‘consulate’ there was just a residence, not up to State Department standards, and Stevens needed special authorization from Sec. Clinton to go there. Why was the security for the ‘consulate’ removed? Who refused help at every opportunity?

If you recall your history, Watergate concerned some Republican “plumbers” who broke into a Democratic campaign office. No one ever claimed that President Nixon either knew about it, nor was responsible, but it was embarrassing that his people had done it and they tried to cover it up. Yet Watergate was supposed to be the most dreadful scandal ever to touch the American presidency.

We had an American Ambassador, his tech guy, and two former SEALs — employed by the CIA — who were first denied security, denied help, and denied rescue at the highest level of the American government.

The Big Media is in full defensive mode. They are rallying around the administration in the very way that was so desperately needed by our people in Benghazi. The New York Times is oddly unaware that there is a place in Libya called Benghazi.

Time magazine’s Joe Klein demonstrates the obtuseness of the American media’s complete failure to perform the most basic task of a supposedly free press.

The Republicans, apparently with nothing better to do, are still chasing their tails over the tragic events in Benghazi on September 11.

Actually, no. That’s not true. They’re chasing their tails over what happened after the tragic events of September 11. They’re mostly concerned that the Obama Administration tried to cover up the fact that this was a terrorist attack by a local militia (translation: local street gang) which aspired toward bad-butt Al Qaeda status. This is a pretty hard sell since, the day after the attack, the President called it an “act of terror.”

It does seem that the Administration’s talking points were massaged a bit after the President’s candor. This may have been attributable to the presidential campaign and the Administration’s desire to low-ball the Al Qaeda threat. If so, this was a venial, not a mortal, sin. It affected not one life.

No, Joe Klein, it not only affected four lives, it ended them.  Security was denied, Safety was denied. Help was denied, because an election was coming up and no one wanted any bad publicity, particularly when an Iranian-supported group of terrorists called Ansar al Sharia who were closely affiliated with al Qaeda (who was supposedly ‘on the run’ because Obama had called in the SEALs.) The same people as those two valiant men who went to rescue the remaining personnel at the ‘consulate’ and who begged for help while they stood off that “local street gang”. There was help available and the order to stand down reportedly had to come from the president.

The Big Media in our nation — the Free Press — a term they revel in, are not now, and have not been, performing their most basic task, being a watchdog on government. They quit that a while back. The Democrats give better parties I guess. The public is coming to the realization that they are useless, and the media is slowly going broke.  I can even remember when Time was a thick magazine, bulging with lots of advertising and important articles that made news and created a stir.  Long ago and far away.

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Being that the Press no longer reports the news but instead projects the agenda of the government through commentary and covering unfavorable events from the people I say that the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution reference to “The Freedom of the Press” should no longer apply to them. That Right belongs only to those of the Press that are not connected to any political party or government entity.


Comment by fireboatman

To say the media angers me is not quite accurate, though they do. It’s more a massive disappointment and feeling of loss that they have so far ignored their responsibility. Their bias is well-known and longstanding — but this is a kind of complicity in murder and cover-up, and just too much. I don’t expect non-partisanship, but they don’t even attempt that. Jake Tapper is a shining example. I have no idea what his politics are, he’s just a good and responsible reporter.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

Of course the MSM is bias and unless i’m in my own bubble i believe most people realize it. So why do the big three continue with their bias. Lets see what there business plan is and who their customers are. It seems their customers are democrats and liberals so don’t write anything that will piss these people off, but feed them news that reinforces their political views. Their other customers are low information people who love their uncomplicated drama so that takes Benghazi off the table “lots of drama to complicated” they like their kidnaps, murders and rapes. Because these low information people aren’t concerned about politics the big three can be as bias as they want and the bias doesn’t effect their business plan but the bias unconsciously seeps in the minds of the low information person and as these people grow up or what ever you want to call it become democrats and the cycle continues.


Comment by hey_sherm

[…] May 8, 2012: “The Benghazi Hearings. It Matters a Lot” […]


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