American Elephants

Hillary Has Managed To Step In It Again! by The Elephant's Child

Yesterday’s news moved on from the Netanyahu speech to Hillary’s e-mails. It appears that for six years, Hillary was in violation of State Department  regulations for using private e-mails. Government e-mails are supposed to be preserved and archived. It’s all about transparency.

Hillary has remarkably poor political instincts. She is a liar. She will usually attempt to cover up her errors rather than learn from them. She can be counted on to do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Her mind is on her ambition and how to get there, and she seldom realizes how what she says or does will appear. She is greedy and wants to match the wealth and style of those with whom she chooses to associate—hence her impressive fees for speeches and demand for royal treatment wherever she goes.  It’s against the law to accept money from foreign countries when you hold a public office like Secretary of State, but she wants a big foundation and does not want to be accountable. Republicans have noticed.

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Republicans have noticed, but so have quite a few Democrats. I’ve always thought the Dems never really wanted Hillary as their standard bearer, and with things like this, they’re going to have a way to get rid of her once and for all. Unfortunately, they don’t have anyone else to replace her.

And yeah, several people I know have noticed how quickly the media dropped coverage of Netanyahu’s speech and the reaction to it by Obama and the Democrats. The consensus is that the media were in a hurry to change the subject because Obama, Pelosi, and company were not covering themselves in glory (one friend said that his 4-year-old behaves better when a favorite toy is taken away than the Dems are behaving now).


Comment by Lon Mead

Hillary has always been a little weird. Somebody wrote about it a few years ago. She seems to be concentrating on her ‘next job’ rather than accomplishing something in the one she’s in. Carly Fiorina is doing great with her questions about Hillary’s accomplishments. But then Elizabeth Warren doesn’t have a stellar record either. Empty bench. Biden? Webb? Whassisname from Maryland? And there was a former Governor from Montana. Scary, but Democrats would vote for any Democrat, regardless of resume.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

Or lack of one.


Comment by Lon Mead

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