American Elephants

It’s Panic Time At Planned Parenthood! by The Elephant's Child

Planned Parenthood is in full panic mode. The organization’s involvement in the trafficking of aborted baby organs has gained so much attention in the news, and in Congress, that Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, felt compelled to appear on ABC’s This Week on Sunday to defend the organization.It didn’t really go well.

Richards claimed repeatedly that the videos that have been released were heavily edited, but the full versions were released at the same time as the condensed versions. Richards also claimed that Planned Parenthood does not receive any financial benefit for “donating” fetal human organs for biotech research. She claimed it was just the cost of shipping the fetal material to the research institutions. But their own officials make it clear that this is not so. Medical sources say the need for fetal specimens for “research” is outdated and stem cell research is concentrating on adult stem cells, though some haven’t updated their research methods.

Screen-Shot-2015-07-26-at-6.41.14-PM-489x650It has also been reported that Planned Parenthood is advertising for paid demonstrators — “Activist Jobs”to “earn $1,600 – $2,500 a month to oppose attacks on healthcare access, expand reproductive rights and keep birth control affordable.”

Planned Parenthood has hired the Democratic SKDKnickerbocker PR firm to handle the public relations effort surrounding the growing organ trafficking scandal.

The group has circulated a memo to reporters and producers late Monday to discourage them from airing the undercover videos, claiming they were obtained under false identification and violated patient privacy. If you wonder why some liberal outlets are avoiding the story completely — that’s why.

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“Violated patient privacy”? I’ll allow them that one as soon as they can name a single specific patient that was named or alluded to in the video.

“Healthcare access”? Planned Parenthood one thing and one thing only. Planned Parenthood does not do breast exams. It does not do prenatal counseling. It does not provide birthing services of any type (and will tell you to go somewhere else for that – so much for “pro-choice”). It does not provide services or advice for pre- or post-menopause. It does not maintain facilities to perform routine gynecological services; indeed there are fewer than a dozen OB/GYN employed at PP nationwide. If a woman wanted to put her baby up for adoption, Planned Parenthood does nothing to facilitate this, and in my experience doesn’t know who to refer a mother to.

And their claim that the videos were claimed “under false identification”? No one lied about their name, and the videos were all filmed in public spaces. What’s more, Planned Parenthood had plenty of time to perform due diligence on the group. They simply chose not to.


Comment by Lon Mead

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