American Elephants

The Mainstream Partisan Media Is Going Too Far. by The Elephant's Child

The partisan media is insisting that the election is all over, Hillary has won, and there’s no need for you backwards Trump voters to bother anymore. The polls all confirm that Hillary has won, except they actually don’t.

ABC just said that Hillary has opened up her widest lead yet, popping up to confirm my first paragraph. Hillary wanted to run against Trump, as she thought him the easiest to defeat, and the partisan media cooperated all during the Republican debates by focusing entirely on Trump and not really giving the other 16 candidates much of a chance to get a word in.

Hillary told another of her whoppers, claiming that 17 of our intelligence services had verified that Wikileaks was a Russian production and suggesting that they were trying to get Trump elected. Not true. We only have 2 intelligence services capable of tracking down cyber attacks. One of the Fact Checking groups claimed that Hillary certainly didn’t say that she favored  open borders and free trade throughout the Western Hemisphere in a speech to Brazilian bankers. Well, yes she did. I’m getting a deep, passionate hatred for the “mainstream” media. I don’t like to be lied to.

ADDENDUM: The latest ABC/Washington Post poll mentioned above, shows an obvious sampling bias with a 12 point advantage for Hillary. Partisan divisions are 36-27-31: 36 percent Democrats, 27 percent Republicans, 31 percent Independents. The latest Wikileaks Podesta email included a 37 page guide on how to over sample polling so they can get the maximum out of media polling.  Over sample Hispanics, and Native Americans in Arizona. Over sample Hispanics with Spanish language interviewing, as they are the lowest turnout Democratic Targets. Make sure samples are “not too old” and “has enough African American and Hispanic voters. So, you can’t believe their lying eyes, or claims. It’s so frustrating to have insiders, on the one hand, insisting that our elections are not rigged and its insulting to say so, as you see and read about the massive cheating that is going on.

ADDENDUM #2: The foregoing may all be hooey. Apparently the Podesta email in question derives from the 2008 campaign, so irregularities, if they exist, may be applicable to Barack Obama and not the current crop of politicos, and “oversampling” may be a legitimate polling technique. Forgive me for being gullible. With this election, who knows?  I apologize.

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