American Elephants

What Were the Women’s Marches All About? by The Elephant's Child

The Women’s March, or Marches, were certainly the subject of Sunday’s news. Everybody was curious to know just what that was all about? It was clearly a  Far-Leftist screed, far more carefully planned than was understood. But what were they opposing?

The women who were marching were responding to a tape of a “locker-room” conversation that was recorded unbeknownst to Mr. Trump, in which he engaged in a remark about the tendency of women to be attracted to someone rich and famous: “They’ll do anything you want, even letting you grab them by their pussy parts.” That conversation, in 2005, was the entirety that the marchers were responding to. The signage was all about that.

There were some professionally printed signs from various sponsors like the Amplifier Foundation and the 56 “non-partisan” organizations that were listed as “partners” for the march that were funded by George Soros. (Mr, Soros does not fund things directly, he usually hides behind other groups)

Reading more carefully, it becomes clear that the women have no idea what Donald Trump advocates, or what he stands for.They didn’t listen to his inaugural speech and don’t know what he said. They know only that he defeated Hillary and it wasn’t fair because she won the popular vote. They clearly don’t know anything about the Electoral College except that it isn’t fair. What they seem to be interested in is having taxpayers fund their contraceptives and abortions, and preferably their sanitary needs as well. Good grief!

Madonna exclaimed about how angry she was (not about what it was about) and how she had thought about blowing up the White House, although as soon as she heard she would be investigated by the Secret Service, she started backtracking like mad.  As far as I can tell, though I haven’t seen transcripts of all the speeches, there is no one that has any understanding of actual issues at all. Do they have any understanding of why Hillary lost?


What on earth does that mean? See how clever, she ran ‘each other’ all together. ‘Womanhood indeed.’


Another. Could any of these messages be any more empty? The women I know are a lot smarter than this. No content, no substance.

Empty posters, purposeless march. But they had a good time. Guys wearing Trump hats had to clean up the mess they left behind.