American Elephants

Uncommon Knowledge with Charles Hill and James Mattis by The Elephant's Child

Charles Hill and General James Mattis on Uncommon Knowledge, July 28, 2015, discussing the Iran Deal and the state of the world with Uncommon Knowledge host Peter Robinson.They believe that the United States has handed its leading role to Iran, and essentially provided a dowry along with it. As the U.S. pulls back and the sanctions are lifted—Iran will start making oil money again. At this point the sanctions are gone.

They suggest that if we want better deals and and a stronger international presence we need to listen to other points of view, especially from the three branches of government. If we engage more with the world and use solid strategies to protect and encourage democracy and freedom at home and abroad, then we will have fewer military interventions abroad. That will put us in a better position to handle problems like ISIS. This conversation took place a year and a half ago, but remains illuminating.

For the Latest in Excellence, Follow Slate on Twitter by The Elephant's Child

Wandering around the internet, one sometimes comes across a piece, simple, yet saying far more than perhaps it’s author intended. It speaks to the profession of journalism, to the integrity of that profession, to claims of excellence and attention to detail, in the interest of communicating deep thoughts about the bureaucracy and the world in which it lives and operates.


What more could one say. This is Slate, fabled magazine of the Left.