American Elephants

Are The Democrats All Just Crazy? by The Elephant's Child

I don’t know about you, but I’m still mulling over the 2nd round Democrat debates. More than one person has asked if the Democrats are just crazy? We do not speak the same language with the same understandings. Democrats believe firmly that Republicans give tax breaks to the rich. because those are the people they represent and favor. The good people, the caring people, (the aforementioned Democrats) are trying to make everybody equal. They want to take that excess money away from the rich and give it to the poor, who need it more, unfortunately not because it will actually help the people, but because it will prove what good people the Democrats are.

That you cannot make everybody equal, does not occur to them. That the attempt to make everybody equal usually devolves into socialism and tyranny from a way too powerful government is not within their comprehension. It is deeply important to Democrats to be seen as good people. That’s why they favor open borders. America is, in their minds, a nation of immigrants, (like most of the rest of the world) and the more the merrier, especially when most new citizens are apt to vote Democrat. America, by law admits about one million immigrants who have applied and waited their turn, because the government feels that is about the number we can teach how to become citizens and settle in.

Note the absurd things they choose to believe. We have concentration camps for the children of illegals at the border, where we put them all in cages. They can make our people like illegals better by putting teeter-totters through the border fence where an American and a migrant can play together and become friends. ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the police force that tries to protect American citizens by removing criminal illegal aliens is demonized as Nazis and Storm Troopers. Angel Moms who have lost members of their families to criminal illegal immigrants, not only get no help nor recognition, but are demonized if they say anything nice about members of ICE.

Democrats want to win votes by promising gifts to the voters. Andrew Yang wants to give everyone $1,000 a month Free healthcare, free college education, are common offers, and everybody seems to want to remove fossil fuels and coal and run the economy on “renewable energy”. Unfortunately neither wind nor solar energy are reliable sources of energy. The wind does not blow all the time, sometimes not for days, and seldom at the right speed to produce efficient energy. The sun is too diffuse, there are clouds, and rainy days or weeks, and both sources require 24/7 backup from conventional power sources, but none of the candidates seem even vaguely aware of that fact. The big response is the simple fact that the federal government has no money of its own. Anything promised or gifted means that your taxes have to be raised enough to pay for it.

They all seem to believe that the climate crisis is upon us and we have a varying few years before it’s all over. Beto O’Rourke gives us 10 years, Buttigieg says the tipping point is 12 years away, Jay Inslee says we have to be entirely off fossil fuels in 15 years, Steve Bullock says 2030, Gillibrand — “greatest threat to humanity”, Elizabeth Warren says it’s “the existential crisis for our world and puts every living thing on the planet at risk”.

They all want to impoverish the country in an exercise that cannot have even the slightest effect on world climate. Certifiably nuts. Parroting what is currently fashionable without the slightest reference to science, history, or fact. Do not allow any one of these people anywhere near the reins of government.

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[…] American Elephants wonders if all the Democrats are crazy […]


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American Elephant, I can’t find you on twitter??

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Comment by Douglas Allen

I got banned again! Andrea Mitchell turned me in because I replied to her complaint about Trump and Baltimore with an article about Bernie calling Baltimore a third world country. I am working to get back on as soon as possible. Maybe I should write a post about it. Thanks for contacting me, Doug!


Comment by American Elephant

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