American Elephants

American Journalism Has Gone Too Far. by The Elephant's Child

Well, the Democrat Media certainly messed up this time. They are so committed to attacking anything done by the hated President Trump that they side with one of the world’s worst terrorist leaders. They are no longer doing journalism. Soleimani has been listed as a top terrorist since 2007, and now they find him as the equivalent of our vice president rather than a hired gun against Americans, and a very deadly one at that.

Donald J. Trump was elected as the President of the United States in a free election, defeating Hillary Clinton, and they cannot get over it. Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate who would have been a disaster as a president,  but she was a Democrat and that is apparently all that matters. The rage of Congressional Democrats and the Hollywood celebrities (who hire press agents to keep their names in the news so they can remain celebrities), toward this president is hard to understand.

I gather that their rage is based on the fact that Trump is doing a fabulous job with the economy, lowest unemployment in history, stock market high, unneeded regulations cut back, and Obama insisted that times had changed and it was no longer possible for an economy to grow at more than 2 percent.The Wall Street Journal remarked today that:

In his address to the nation this morning, Donald Trump asserted that the ballistic missiles that targeted the al-Assad and Erbil bases in Iraq yesterday were paid for using “funds made available by the last administration.” Few things irritate media fact checkers more than Trump’s accusation that Obama helped fund the Iranian regime and its terror apparatus. Probably because it’s completely true.

Now, we don’t really know that Obama’s ransom payments to Iran in 2016 subsidized those specific ballistic missiles, but we do know that money is fungible — especially when you have access to small denominations of European cash — and that the military, IRGC, and Hezbollah were the major beneficiaries of the replenished coffers of the Iranian state. Distinctions over the details of the exact allocation of funds would be completely irrelevant in any conversation not involving Donald Trump. Yet Andrea Mitchell and CNN, and all the usual suspects, immediately rallied to Obama’s defense to also explain that actually Trump is talking about money we owed Iran.

We never “owed” the Islamic Republic any money. This is a myth. In 2016, the United States was in the middle of an unresolved dispute in front of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The Hague over cash advanced by the Shah for military equipment we refused to deliver after the 1979 revolution. You might recall, this is when Iran began prosecuting its war against the United States, taking hostages, and killing service members.

Democrats want to be in charge, to control, so we will not annoy them with ideas or programs they don’t like. You will find the impulse located somewhere between Socialism and Communism. Iran seems to have shot down the Ukrainian airliner by mistake, or not, with so many Canadians on board. There were no survivors. But it must be President Trump’s fault. Strange times.

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[…] American Elephants discusses American journalism having gone too far […]


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The airliner was not shot down by mistake. Somebody pushed the “fire” button. Unfortunately the operators misinterpreted their radar data, or someone told them to fire, mistaking a 175,000lb airliner taking off from a nearby airport for a 10,000lb cruise missile.


Comment by logicalchemist

Interesting that “memes” (I had to look that one up) created by the press reverberate through the population to create false impressions that serve their ends. I had wondered how one could mistake a cruise missile for an airliner, it did seem odd.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

The current democratic party, or at least a significant fraction of the upper echelons and socialist types, are probably the most anti-American party in the history of the country. The only group that seems to even come close were the Know Nothings in the 1800’s, They demagogue every issue, particularly around the President, as anti-american, illegal, self-serving no matter what it is. As you point out, President Trump is doing a doing the job pretty well.


Comment by logicalchemist

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