American Elephants

What You Need to Know About the Southern Border by The Elephant's Child

Naturally, I like to write my own sterling opinions, which I assume are entirely correct, but I have the feeling that you would rather hear it direct from the horse’s mouth, as the saying goes. This is a conversation between Jessica Vaughn for the Center for Immigration Studies and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan. He is well chosen to occupy this post with his long experience in the field.

The talking points and misinformation that we normally hear have little to do with the actuality in the field. The flow of people who want to get in to the United States is huge, composed of people from all over the world. But it’s not a simple thing to understand. We hear lots about compassion and concern, and a lot less about the Cartels and their activity which includes not just the Wall, which is being built, but drugs coming across the border. 68,000 Americans died this past year from drugs smuggled in across the Southern Border. Sixty-eight thousand!

There’s lots of human smuggling, sex trafficking, and drugs, the Cartels haul in billions from their take in supporting all this evil. Democrats, interested in compassion, and their own designation as “good people”, are apt to believe that we should care deeply about these poor people who just want to participate in the good life that America promises. It is way more complicated than that.

The estimate is 150,000 people who make it across unchecked, and unaccounted for, not those who are caught and tallied. They assume that the actuality is much larger. Mr. Morgan points out that not all of them are bad people, but a heck of a lot are. The Wall is not an invention of President Trump’s. It is the results of the request of the Border Patrol for a badly needed wall.

Do watch the whole thing. We need more people who understand what the real situation is, and what the Border Patrol faces. We have a lot of Politicians who come up with a lot of false information. It’s a complicated and complex situation, and we need more informed and concerned Americans.

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