American Elephants

Recommended Reading. Not Just Should Read, but You’ll Be Glad you Did. by The Elephant's Child

Photo Of Woman Reading Book

Here are some books I highly recommend. Your public library should have them, Amazon will, and they’ll have used books if you don’t want to spend much. If you have kids, you will want to have them around the house.

David McCullough’s 1776, a gripping narrative of the year of independence, tells the story of the men who marched with George Washington in the year of the Declaration of Independence. Won the Pulitzer Prize. Extensively researched not only in our own archives, but in British archives as well. It’s also the story of ordinary Americans in the ranks: farmers, schoolteachers, shoemakers, boys turned soldiers and the story of the Redcoats, disciplined soldiers who looked down on their rebellious foes with contempt and fought with valor.

McCullough also has a biography of John Adams, our second president, also a Pulitzer winner.

Paul Johnson’s A History of the American People by a distinguished British historian is particularly interesting in the light of the New York Times’ embarrassing “1619 Project” Johnson traces the origins of the first arrival of slaves in this country that correct the New York Times.

Two more: I particularly like John Steele Gordon’s An Empire of Wealth, which is an epic history of America’s economic power. A Free people able to experiment and innovate end up creating a country that dominates the world through its creation of wealth. It is a fascinating book,  that you would enjoy.

The other is Charles E. Mann’s 1491  or what the Americas were like the year before Columbus arrived. Take that, you nutcases who are tearing down statues of Columbus because you are ignorant. Fascinating to learn that our most deeply rooted ideas of the peopling of the Western Hemisphere and the kinds of societies that had developed there before the arrival of Europeans are just wrong. Mann has followed that up with 1493 which explains the result of his arrival.  I haven’t read this latter one yet.

Guaranteed good reading. Enjoy.

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