American Elephants

They Think the American Voters are Stupid by The Elephant's Child

Well, the Democrats certainly demonstrated their lack of respect for the American voter.The Postal scam was an attempt to make voters think that the evil Trump was trying to prevent their vote from being counted by hiding the mailboxes or something like that. No. It’s been pretty well proven that mail-in voting is a major source of vote fraud. And we do want honest elections.

You may have noticed that Democrats are especially eager to abolish the Electoral College, mandated by the founders in the Constitution to prevent the smaller states from being overlooked or uncounted by the larger, more powerful states.

Since Hillary won in the general election, but lost when the votes from the small rural states were counted according to the Constitutionally mandated Electoral College they have been determined to abolish the Electoral College because they cannot dependably win if all the states votes are counted.

That’s also why they want more illegal immigrants except from Cuba, where people escape the Communist regime in little boats trying to reach freedom. Or for that matter, Venezuela, or even the Vietnamese Boat People. Being opposed to Communism makes it unlikely they would vote Democrat, therefore, do not let them in. And abolish ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Don’t want any illegals deported, they want them to vote.

The other thing that showed even more their lack of respect for the minds of the voters was their crass attempt to claim that the reason there is a covid pandemic is because President Trump didn’t do anything to prevent it. The fact that he shut down any and all immigration from China in earliest January when we first learned about the virus. You may remember the outcry. How dare he close the borders, Xenophobia! Racial Prejudice!

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio made a major mistake when the virus hit New York. He had the elderly who came down with the virus put in New York Nursing Homes which were already filled with vulnerable elderly, where he thought they should be cared for. Of course the vulnerable elderly residents promptly got the virus and died. He could not bring himself to say that he made a horrible mistake, but has kept trying to blame somebody or something else. And so it goes. Biden is claiming that he would just shut everything down.

When the virus first hit us just a couple miles north of my house, it hit a nursing home, because of a visitor from Wuhan, China. Do your remember how Trump was attacked for calling it a Chinese virus? Xenophobia again. Racism.  Reminders that viruses were often called for the place that they came from made no difference. Trump brought in the greatest experts he could find, got automobile companies to make ventilators. Sent the hospital ships to the heaviest-hit areas. The military erected hospital tents in city parks and garages in case they would be needed. They weren’t.

We didn’t know much of anything about the Wuhan virus when it appeared, and labs all over the country have been trying to learn about it and learn what will effect a cure. The big Pharmaceutical companies are struggling to find a vaccine to prevent it. To suggest that Trump is just trying to “enrich his friends” is beyond crass. A lot of families have lost members to this dreadful pandemic. Don’t insult them and play on their grief.

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