American Elephants

Scams, Scams, Scams! by The Elephant's Child
June 20, 2023, 9:26 pm
Filed under: Politics

Lots of companies out there online trying to sell you “canned food supplies” to save you from the “upcoming food shortages”? There is probably no country on earth that is so well supplied with plentiful food readily available. And plenty of help if you are short on funds. Lots of competing grocery stores, huge choice, and plenty of choice in low cost food. Most communities of any size are apt to have some sort of “farmers’ markets” where small farmers can come on a special day to offer their food supplies direct from the farm, without the expense of going through your neighborhood grocery store and save a little more money. Some communities have plots of good garden land set aside to rent to ambitious gardeners. Others have small farms around the town borders who offer garden bounty for sale.

There Are No Upcoming Food Shortages!

It is, of course, helpful to have a well-stocked pantry, so you don’t have to run to your regular grocery store often, but suppliers of canned food want you to buy a lot of their goods, and they are trying to scare you into it by suggesting that there are shortages about to happen.

Lots of people have their own small gardens in their back yards for some things they particularly like to pick fresh from garden to the table. Tomatoes usually top the list. Grocery store tomatoes are often still too hard and too close to green. Home grown tomatoes are often way better anyway, but admittedly more work. And of course there are some families who have good sized gardens and can the produce for the winter. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any survey or study on family gardens and their effect on the food supply.

When I was growing up, we had a garden for the essentials that were not available in the local grocery stores. Asparagus was high on the list, and green onions; We had about three miles of a modest river, and trout was plentiful, if not anxious to be caught. Lots of wild apple trees from any time someone ate an apple and pitched the core into the weeds. Huckleberries were wild and we had good patches available. though the season was short. I had a most fortunate childhood. I really miss the wild huckleberries! They are something special.

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