American Elephants

Obama: a divider not a uniter!

Barack Obama

Asked in an interview by the Associated Press which Republicans he would reach across the aisle to work with as president, Barack Obama named Senators Richard Lugar, John Warner, and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.

According to the AP, Obama said the problem with Washington DC is that President Bush has created a partisan atmosphere.

Uh huh.

“There are some very capable Republicans who I have a great deal of respect for,” Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Some? That’s right, apparently the rookie from Illinois thinks three of his 251 Republican congressional colleagues are capable and worthy of respect. How gracious of you Senator Obama. Thanks!

So when asked which Republicans he will work with, Obama names only three senators, zero represenatives (apparently nobody told the greenhorn cum leader-of-the-free-world-wannabe that the President of the United States of America is generally expected to work with both houses of congress), and we’re supposed to accept that its because President Bush is partisan? The man who invited Ted Kennedy over for movies and pop corn? The man Obama’s fellow Democrats call an incompetent, miserable failure and a liar?

Senator Obama—who has yet to break party ranks on a single vote—can only name three men he’d work with, but Bush is partisan?

uh. yeeaah. Can I interest you in a lovely Minnesotan bridge that’s just come up for sale?

In case you are wondering, here is a list of the Republicans Barack Obama will NOT attempt to work with:

SENATORS: Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, John Barrasso, Robert Bennett, Christopher Bond, Sam Brownback, Jim Bunning, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Larry Craig, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, Elizabeth Dole, Pete Domenici, John Ensign, Michael Enzi, Lindsay Graham, Chuck Grassley, Judd Gregg, Chuck Hagel, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, James Inhofe, Jonny Isakson, Jon Kyl, Trent Lott, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Gordon Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, John Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, George Voinovich
REPRESENTATIVES: Jo Bonner, Terry Everett, Mike Rogers, Robert Aderholt, Spencer Bachus, Don Young, Rick Renzi, Trent Franks, John Shadegg, Jeff Flake, John Boozman, Wally Herger, Dan Lungren, John Doolittle, George Radanovich, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, Elton Gallegly, Howard McKeon, David Dreier, Ed Royce, Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono, Dana Rohrabacher, John Campbell, Darrell Issa, Brian Bilbray, Duncan Hunter, Marilyn Musgrave, Doug Lamborn, Tom Tancredo, Chris Shays, Michael Castle, Jeff Miller, Ander Crenshaw, Ginny Brown-Waite, Cliff Steams, John Mica, Ric Keller, Mike Bilirakis, Bill Young, Adam Putnam, Vern Buchanan, Connie Mack, Dave Weldon, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Tom Feeney, Mario Diaz-Balart, Jack Kingston, Tom Price, John Linder, Lynn Westmoreland, Nathan Deal, Phil Gingrey, Bill Sali, Mike Simpson, Peter Roskam, Mark Kirk, Jerry Weller, Judy Biggert, Dennis Hastert, Tim Johnson, Donald Manzullo, Ray Lahood, John Shimkus, Mark Souder, Steve Buyer, Dan Burton, Mike Pence, Tom Latham, Steve King, Jerry Moran, Todd Tiahrt, Ed Whitfield, Ron Lewis, Geoff Davis, Hal Rogers, Bobby Jindal, Jim McCrery, Rodney Alexander, Richard Baker, Charles Boustany, Wayne Gilchrest, Roscoe Bartlett, Pete Hoekstra, Vern Ehlers, Dave Camp, Fred Upton, Tim Walberg, Mike Rogers, Joe Knollenberg, Candice Miller, Thad McColter, John Kline, Jim Ramstad, Michele Bachmann, Roger Wicker, Chip Pickering, Todd Akin, Sam Graves jr., Roy Blunt, Jo Ann Emerson, Kenny Charles Hulshof, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry, Adrian Smith, Dean Heller, Jon Porter, Frank LoBlondo, Jim Saxton, Chris Smith, E Scott Garrett, Michael Ferguson, Rodney Freylinghuysen, Heather Wilson, Stevan Pearce, Peter King, Vito Fossella, John McHugh, Jim Walsh, Tom Reynolds, Randy Kuhl, Walter Jones Jr., Virginia Foxx, Howard Coble, Robin Hayes, Sue Myrick, Patrick McHenry, Steve Chabot, Jean Schmidt, Mike Turner, Jim Jordan, Paul Gillmor, Dave Hobson, John Boehner, Pat Tiberi, Steve LaTourette, Deborah Price, Ralph Regula, John Sullivan, Frank Lucas, Tom Cole, Mary Fallin, Greg Walden, Phil English, John Peterson, Jim Gerlach, Bill Shuster, Charles Dent, Joe Pitts, Tim Murphy, Todd Platts, Henry Brown, Joe Wilson, J. Gresham Barrett, Bob Inglis, David Davis, John Duncan, Zach Wamp, Marsha Blackburn, Louie Gohmert, Ted Poe, Sam Johnson, Ralph Hill, Jeb Hensarling, Joe Barton, John Culbertson, Kevin Brady, Michael McCaul, Mike Conaway, Kay Granger, Mac Thornberry, Ron Paul, Randy Neugebauer, Lamar Smith, Kenny Marchant, Michael Burgess, John Carter, Pete Sessions, Rob Bishop, Chris Cannon, Jo Ann Davis, Thelma Drake, Robert Scott, Randy Forbes, Virgil Goode, Bob Goodlatte, Eric Cantor, Frank Wolf, Tom Davis, Doc Hastings, Cathy McMorris, Dave Reichert, Shelly Moore Capito, Paul Ryan, Jim Sensenbrenner, Tom Petri, and Barbara Cubin

Not ready for small time, let alone prime time.

The Great VIOLENT North

Human Candian flag

Canadians are nice, friendly, peaceful people, and Americans are violent pigs living in a crime infested country, right?


Completely 100% bass-ackwards as a matter of fact. Canada’s violent crime rate is twice that of the United States. According to the FBI, there are 4.7 violent crimes per 1,000 Americans—but there are 9.5 violent crimes for every 1,000 Canucks according to Statistics Canada. (HT/Don Surber, Charleston Daily Mail)

I don’t doubt it. I’ve lived in the United States my entire life and have never been victim to violent crime. I’ve visited Vancouver, BC a handful of times and was nearly the victim of an attempted bashing. (Fortunately an ambulance was driving by at the time and turned its sirens and lights on and scared the group of young men that had just started pushing us around away.)

And as Mr. Surber explains, it isn’t just Canada—Norway has over twice as much crime per capita and nearly 20% more violent crime per capita.

But how can that be, you say? The United States leads the world in prison population!

By Jove, I think she’s got it!

We are told that the United States leads the world in its prison population. This may be true. Roughly 1/2 of 1 percent of Americans are in prison.The upside is that is nearly 1.4 million robbers, muggers, killers and rapists who are not out robbing, mugging, killing and raping.

…The prisons are worth every penny.

Prisons keep more children from being molested. Prisons keep more people from being killed. Prisons keep more drunken drivers off the road.

Some say the nation is becoming a “prison state.” I grew up in a high crime area in Cleveland where no one ventured out after dark.

That’s a prison state.

The choice is this: Either have a high incarceration rate or have a high crime rate. Norway and Canada have made their choice. America has made hers. [read more]

Whose side are they on?

The blithering idiocy of liberalism and political correctness rear their ugly heads once again in Seattle…

suspicious men staking out ferriesThe FBI has released photographs of two men that have been seen engaged in suspicious activity on several Washington State ferries, as reported by numerous citizens and ferry employees. Last year, the Justice Department named the Washington State Ferry system as the No. 1 target for maritime terrorism. The Captain of one ferry found their behavior so suspicious that he snapped this photograph. The FBI has said the men seemed, “overly interested in the workings and layouts of the ferries.”

However, both the Seattle Post Intelligencer and the Seattle Times refused to publish the photographs citing “civil liberties” and “privacy” concerns. Never mind that Washington Ferries are part of the public highway system, and no one has any reasonable expectation of privacy on them, and never mind that the men had been accused of no crimes…non-existent “civil liberties” trump the public safety at both papers.

And lest you think that the PI was serious in their deliberation, note that instead of the photographs, the PI chose to run a haiku contest about the story.

Keep in mind also that while the PI wouldn’t run the photographs of potential terrorists to protect their identity, it is the same paper that ran front page stories accusing a man of having sex with his dog, then later buried the revelation that his wife made the whole thing up. They stood up for James Ujaama, who recently confessed to terrorism charges. You may also remember that the Seattle Times newsroom erupted in cheers when Rove resigned last week.

I’m from Seattle, I know these people and these papers very well. The Times is a very liberal paper, the PI is outright left-wing-lunatic. Both papers oppose the Bush administration, and I guarantee therein lies their refusal to cooperate. The FBI reports to Bush, therefore the Times and PI will not cooperate. Period.

Finally, I’d like to submit my own haiku to the PI:

    Explosion on board!
    Screaming, sinking, drowning, death!
    Didn’t have to be.

Liberalism: the Brave New World

Hempfest 2007

Seattleites converge on the city’s Myrtle Edwards Park to give human testament to the findings of recent scientific studies and decades old warnings.

Hempfest 2007 brings out the Democrat base in the Emerald City, and American Digest was there to capture every dazed, confused and deeply disturbing moment in glorious digital color (with fabulous snarky commentary). Check it out, dude.

Sweet gay irony!
August 9, 2007, 2:23 am
Filed under: News, Politics | Tags: , ,

New Quinnepiac polls in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania show that the “endorsement of gay rights groups hurts a candidate much more than it helps.”

“Quinnipiac University polls…found voters by large margins more likely to see the endorsement of a gay rights group as a reason to vote against, rather than for, a candidate.

That is especially the case among independent voters —often the key to winning these critical states —and much more so among men than women and Republicans than Democrats.

No one has won the White House since 1960 without carrying two of those three states.”

And since there isn’t a chance in hell the reflexively Democratic HRC, GLAAD, Lambda, etc… are going to endorse anyone but the Democrat candidate, this will in turn help the Republicans. And with the current state of the Democrat party, anything that helps them lose, and Republicans win—even unwittingly so—is good for all Americans—gay or straight.